【 Prologue 】

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Kagamine Len.
Currently 16, Blonde hair and Electric Blue eyes.
Known as a Vocaloid, and a Playboy by everyone.

Although there's something you don't know about him.

He goes to your school, his hair dyed a light brown, although it's fading. Green contact lenses, red glasses. Doesn't act like a playboy at all, and is actually pretty smart.

No one knows of his past, and no one speaks of it, and he doesn't give it away.

This Kagamine Len, this Disguise, is named Kyou Atarui.

And he doesn't want to have his reputation as a play boy known, so he could win the heart of the one he truly loved.

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"I'm leaving!" You smiled as you threw your backpack over your shoulder, waving to your mom who was cleaning the kitchen.

"Bye sweetie! Stay safe, don't do drugs, make good choices!" Your mom said back to you, a smile present on her face as she scrubbed the counter.

You giggled softly as she shouted those words back, "I know, mom." You said as you opened the door, stepping outside, "Bye!"

"Gah- AndDontForgetToBeYourself!" Your mom tried to quickly add in, but by the time she had finished the door had already shut, and you probably couldn't understand her at all.

You walked down the road to your new high school. It was the beginning of the new school year, like it always was. You didn't feel like transferring in when it was the middle of the year, because you felt that it wouldn't of seemed right. Oh well.

As your walking, you take out your headphones/earphones and place them onto/in your ears. Pulling up the music app on your phone, you hit shuffle on your over all Vocaloid-Filled playlist and just listened to that.

As you reached the school grounds, you walked up the hill and just looked at the school. It was a big white building, the pathway to it being just willed with trees. By the time you got there, the song changed to Sakura Rain, by Hatsune Miku.

Yes, it was a very, very, very.. Slow song, but it's still beautiful.
It would even be fitting if the Cherry Blossoms were in bloom.

Smiling, You walked inside, going to your designated shoe box and switching out the shoes to the ones the schools forced you to wear.

Urgh, Japanese people and their shoe things..

You walked into your designated class, 2-B.

You sat down where any other person would be, in the back corner next to the window, the one farthest from the door.

You sat there and just listened to your music, much to your disappointment, the teacher walked into the room right when your favorite Kagamine Len song started playing.

"しずかに! [1]" The teacher yelled at the classroom once they had walked in. They stood in the front, standing behind their little wooden thing.

"Now, I'll go off the role. After that, we'll assign Male and Female class reps."

"はい![2]" the class said in unison.

You used this time to turn off your music, and put your phone on silent and then in your backpack.

"えと [3].. " The teacher mumbled, "Atarui Kyou-San?"

"はい [2] ."

As you listened to Atarui answering sensei, you discovered that the voice was way to familiar.

So familiar that it was just uncool.

The voice sounded like Len's but a bit more different and deeper.
This is just too confusing.

"(L/N) (F/N) -San?"

"H-Hai! [2]" You answered, the teacher's voice starling you.

"Pay attention, (L/N)-San." The teacher scolded you.

"Y-Yeah.." You mumbled, then looked over at Atarui, just trying to figure things out.
You then gave up and just leaned back in your chair.

"Yuusa Anaki?"

"Hai! [2]" Said a mini-High Pitched voice. You looked over at her, and she had red hair that went down to a bit passed her shoulders. Because of you sitting a row or two behind her, you couldn't see her face.

"Alright, the attendance is done." Sensei sighed, placing the attendance onto the wooden thing, "Now. My name is Emily Kaname. Yes, I'm American so shut up.." She mumbled, writing her name on the bored. Once she was done, she turned around and looked at the class, "Anyway.. Let's get on with class reps. Anyone want to be the class rep? We need 1 female and 1 male."

Yuusa Anaki rose her hand, "I'd like to be one!"

"I'd like to be one to, please." Said another voice. When you looked over at who it was, it ended up Atarui Kyou.

So Mr. Might be Len Kagamine is still a popular guy, huh?

But a smart popular guy that knows how to get things done.
Like a STUCO president.

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[1] しずかに / Shizukani - Be Quiet
[2] はい / Hai - Yes
[3] えと / Etto - Um..

I know I know I know I suckkkk
I kept thinking it was a Podium but then I looked up the definition and that wasn't what I was thinking about ;u;

Hullo! I'm LorenoSan, but you probably already knew that Cx

Sorry, I added to much Hirigana and made you look all the way at the back to see what the word was.
That's just what happens when you take Japanese.

Anywho, I'll explain more things About Len in the next chapter, maybe I'll even have it in his POV v:

Hope you enjoyed this Chappie~

- Loreno (•̀•́)و ̑̑

The Disguise 【 Kagamine Len X Reader 】Where stories live. Discover now