【 Girl's Night Out 】

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Author POV
-------------------- ♡

After the whole 'Bento Box' incident, Rin & Miku insisted on keeping in contact with you.

After school had ended, they'd always text you and stuff. It made you happy that you were slowly becoming friends with the Vocaloids, but neither of them had told you about Len.

Which disappointed you because you wanted to 'meet' him.

To: Me
From: Rinny 🍊
Heyyaaaa!~ (・ω・)
Me and Miku were thinking of wandering off on Saturday to go and just hang out with you & other peeps and do random girl things.
You in?

To: Rinny 🍊
From: Me
Of course! I'd love to go.
Just tell me the time & all that crap and I'd basically be set.

From: Rinny 🍊
To: Me
Hai, Hai.
We're going at Noon, and we're picking you up because me and Miku-chan wanna see that cute little house of yours!~ (≧∇≦)
Just send us your address.
Please c:

To: Rinny 🍊
From: Me
Ok, Ok Cx
Here's my Address:
(insert random Address here)

To: Me
From: Rinny 🍊
Oh, and while I'm thinking about it-
Don't get scared when me & Miku decide to dress you up!~

To: Rinny 🍊
From: Me
Ok, I'll deal with it x3

You smiled as you placed your phone off to the side, standing up and getting ready for school.

As you made your way to your seat in class, Kyou walked inside and sat down in his seat in front of you, placing a hand onto your head and messing up your hair.

"K- Kyou!" You pouted, removing his hand from your head, then fixing your semi messed up hair, "I may not care about my hair, but I don't like it when it's all frizzy and all over the place! Hair is kinda hard to manage.."

Kyou chuckled, "Ok, Ok. Whatever you say, miss."

"Don't call me miss!"

-------------------- Time Skip to Saturday~

You sat up from your bed and yawned, stretching a bit. You looked over at the clock that hung on your wall, checking what time it was.

It read 9:24, so you had a bit of time to chill and do whatever.

Making yourself some breakfast and some Hot Cocoa, you sat down at your desk and pulled out your drawing pad.

Because all faithful fangirls/fanboys have to at least have a failed or not so failed drawing of fictional characters.

You flipped through it, looking at all your recent drawings.
Then looked to the site of the desk, looking at how many drawing pads you've been through sense you got into the whole thing.

Smiling, you grabbed the oldest one you had, which was one from 5th grade.

You opened it up, looking at the first drawing you had ever put into a drawing pad, seeing your most favorite video game character at the time, and still is now.
//*Cough* Link *Cough Cough* Well actually I think my favorite VG character is now Pit, but Link has been my favorite video game character for as long as I remember xD //

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