【 Trio 】

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Author POV

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You sighed as you walked towards your homeroom, silently complaining of why you have to be in this cursed building so early.

Wandering your way to the seat in the back that you had claimed, you rested your head onto the desk, as everyone slowly wandered into the classroom.

"U-Um.. Is this seat taken..?" A small voice asked, pointing to the seat next to you.

"No, it isn't. Go ahead, take it." You muttered, looking at her with a 'Ok, whatever..' Kind of face.

She sat down and turned to you shyly, "H-Hello, my name is Yuusa Anaki.." She said quietly, reaching out a hand

"The name is (F/N) (L/N).." You answered, shaking her hand slightly and then setting it back onto the desk

"So.. Your name is (F/N) (L/N), Huh?"

You looked over to see who the kid was who just walked into you and Yuusa's so called 'Conversation' , "Yeah.. Is there something wrong with that..?"

"No," He shook his head, "Theres nothing wrong with your name. i just thing that its cute~" He smiled, patting your head.

"Wait- what's your name again..? Sorry, i already forgot.."

"No, Its ok. My name i KagaaaaAtarui Kyou." He began, but then cut himself off, just turning it into his other so called name, "Its Atarui Kyou. You can just call me Kyou, I dont mind."

You looked at him, "Ok..? Wait- aren't you that guy that poked my forehead yesterday..?"

He nodded, putting a big fat grin on his face, "Yep."

"Well, thanks, i was on the verge of falling asleep.." You admitted, lightly scratching your cheek

"U-Um.. Do you guys want to eat lunch together on the roof..?" Anaki asked, clasping her hands together and slightly looking down.

"Of course, i dont mind, Yuusa-san, Its not like i have anything better to do. or anyone to be with either." You smiled, Kyou nodding his head

"C-Call me Anaki, Ok..?"

"Alright, Anaki-chan." You nodded, giggling softly, "Oh, You guys can just call me (Y/N). It makes me feel weird when people call me by my last name.."

( *cough* Me in Japanese class *Cough Cough* )

"Alright!" The two of them smiled, nodding as sensei walked in, starting class.

"Ok everyone.. You better be happy with the few days left of the week because on Monday, im giving y'all a seating chart." Sensei explained, looking around the class as she practically glared into each and every one of the students souls, making them realize everything bad they have done.

The class then groaned, "C'mon now class, Its not that bad.. Although some of you may be sitting next to the person your going to become enemies with, love triangles, your soulmate.. blah blah blah all of that childish fairy tail stuff, suck it up and get it over with.. Now, lets begin class."

-------------------- Time skip

"To the roof we go!!"you semi-shouted, pointing to the stairway that lead to the roof, where the three of you were going to sit.

"(Y/N), Its not that exciting to go to a roof.." Anaki stated otherwise as you began to climb up the stairs.

"Anaki, let (Y/N) dream.." Kyou sighed, looking at her and then at you, as you happily made your way up the stairs, "What's so fun about the roof anyways?"

"I love the view. Sure, when you look directly down you can be afraid of the heights, but when you actually take the time to stop screaming and wanting to actually touch the ground with your own two feet, you can see that there's a good view that you'd probably miss out on." You explained, running towards the ledge/fence thing of the roof and just resting yourself against it, looking out at the view.

"Ok, Ok.. Now can we just eat..?" Anaki asked, sounding like she was loosing her patience with you rather quickly.

"Ya, go right on ahead. ill stand here for a bit longer." You looked back at the two as you then turned around and just looked, your hair slightly flowing in the wind as you just listened to Kyou and Anaki's conversations.

"Kyou, thats like the 5th banana you've pulled out of your lunch box, do you actually have anything healthy to eat?!"

"Y- Yes! I promise i dont eat like 10 or more bananas a day.. DONT GET MAD AT ME FOR LIEKING THEM IM SORRY OK!?"

"Dont appologize, its just that.. you have a very, very unhealthy relationship with bananas.."


"Shouldn't it be romeo and juliet..?"

"Let me dream."

' Romeo and Cinderella, The name of a vocaloid song sung by miku.. Kyou having a unhealthy relationship with bananas.. Are you sure he's not Kagamine Len..? ' You ask yourself, ' Just give it time, itll all come to you once you wait.. '

Watashi no koi wo hideki no jurietto ni shinai de

koko kara tsuredashite..
sonna kibun yo

You whispered the fist part of Romeo and Cinderella, not wantinf to draw attention to Akani and Kyou.

-------------------- Time Skip

You walked out of the school building with Kyou walking next to you, as he basically just walked his bike so you wouldnt be walking alone.

It was in the same direction of his house anyway.

You put your hand onto your stomach, "Im so hungry.." You muttered, swaying from side to side slightly as you walked forward.

"You didnt eat anything for lunch, didnt you?" Kyou asked as he looked down at you, cursed tall people..

"No, i was too busy taking a love for Mother Nature."

"Ok, I have some food left over from lunch. Can you hold my bike..? I have to get it out of my bag."

"Sure.." You answered, as Kyou reached into his bag and pulled out another magical banana

"Here." He handed it to you, placing it into your hand



Aww, Len shared his precious Banana with you.
He must care about your health.

Or something like that.
Or its just that your a special human being.

Which i know you are .v. *Pokes your face*

- Loreno (*^ワ^*)

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