【 P.E. 】

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Author's POV
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The three of you sat at lunch just like any other day. Sitting on top of the roof having your normal conversation, basically changing the subject when there was an awkward silence in between sentences or a new idea popped into someone's head.

"A- Anyway," Anaki began, tucking a strand of her dyed black hair behind her ear, "(F/N), I'm moving into the same apartment complex as you!" She said with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh really? That's great!" You smiled, clasping your hands together, "Are you close to me at all..?"

"Yeah," She nodded, "Just a few doors down."

You smiled brightly as the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over as you began to clean up your things, unknown of the true reason that Anaki had moved into that apartment complex.

Once the three of you returned to your normal classes, and sat in your normal seats, the teacher began to give instructions. Afterwords she handed out an assignment that was supposed to be done with a partner of your choosing.

After letting the students free to choose their partner, a bright smile formed onto Anaki's face as she stood up, paper i hands as she took a step to go and ask Kyou to be her partner.

"Kyo-" She began, then cut herself off, seeing that Kyou had already asked (F/N) to be his partner, and she gladly accepted.

Her blood began to boil, as she began to crumbled the sides of her paper a bit, another person asking to be her partner, where she accepted him with a sigh.

"Alright, so I'll do the first half of the worksheet and then you can do the second half?" You asked Kyou as you placed your pencil tip onto your chin, looking down at the algebra worksheet.

"Su- Wait. I'm not agreeing to that, because you'll just get the easy ones!" Kyou looked at you, growling a bit, "How about you do the Evens, and I'll do the odds? Wait no, not that! there's an extra problem for me to do if we do that! and we cant just work our way up because one person might be doing a lot more then the other!" He placed his hands onto his head as he rested his elbows at the top of your desk, "What should we do.."

You chuckled, "We could do the evens and odds, but when it comes to the last problem we do it together, how about that?"

Kyou lifted his head as he looked at you, with what seemed like sparkles in his eyes. He grabbed your hand with both of his, bringing his head closer to yours as you blushed a bit, "YES! (F/N), Your a genius!" He smiled, then letting go of your hand and immediately getting to work.

You blinked a couple of times, "Ok..?" You muttered, your blush fading as you began to work on your algebra worksheet.

Anaki watched as you two tried to figure out who would do what problems, as she clenched her pencil so hard in anger that it broke in half, "I'll kill that witch.. I'll kill her." Anaki muttered in anger as she looked at your face, "I'll paint it with your blood too, then you'll look a thousand times more disgusting then you did before."

"Yuusa-san?" Anaki's partner looked at her worriedly, "Is there something wrong?"

Anaki looked over at her partner, "Something wrong with me? No no no.. I just fine. C'mon, lets get back to work." She told him with a loving smile, pulling out another pencil as she began to work, where only a few minutes later she found herself throwing one piece of her broken pencil at your head, as it hit you right above your ear.

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