【 Festival worries 】

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Author's POV
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You have reached XXX-XXX-XXXX . This user is currently unavailable, please leave a message after he tone.

Hang up

You have reached XXX-XXX-XXXX . This user is currently unavailable, please leave a message after he tone.

Hang up

You have reached XXX-XXX-XXXX . This user is currently unavailable, please leave a message after he tone.

Hang up

What was going on?
You've tried to call your mom for the passed 10 minutes, and nothing was working. Was something wrong with your dad?
No, you weren't going to think that.

You sighed, your small 30 minute break from "work" was nearly over. It would be soon time to return to your booth at your school's library. Being a part of the booth in the art club, your booth was just selling paintings, sculptures and any other means of art. You were also doing free face painting.

With a sigh, you closed your phone and shoved it back into your pocket.

"Hey there, (N/N)!" A cheerful voice spoke from behind you.

Startled, you turned around. It was Kyou, who was wearing a green flannel with a white shirt underneath, some semi-ripped light blue jeans and red converse. His light brunette hair was pulled back into a ponytail, his red glasses almost smiling off of his face due to his sweat, and with a large dorky grin.

"How's it going?"

You sighed, handing the male a water bottle, which he graciously accepted. "It's going all good, I tried to contact my mom. It didn't turn out very well.." you let out a nervous chuckle.

"I'm sure she'll answer you soon." Smiled the male, tossing the empty water bottle in the recycle. "C'mon, show me your booth."

"Awwright.." you said with a pout, grabbing your recently made boyfriend by his hand and dragging him over to the art room in your school. "Well, here it is. Nothing much to it."

"Darn." He frowned, "I thought there was going to be a ton of paint splashed everywhere."

You giggled softly, "Painting isn't the only form of art, I hope you know."

"I know. " He nods, looking around the classroom filled with art. "Are any of your pieces for sale?"

A frown was replaced your smile, "Yeah, some of them are. They haven't really been selling, though.."

"Oooo, where are they?" Kyou bounced around like a child on Christmas.

You sighed, rolling your eyes. Your legs moved over to where your paintings were shown, the prices being considerably low.

"Hey, these are good! You should paint some more landscapes."

You shook your head, "No.. I think I'm good."

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