【 Halloween 】

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Author POV
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The day that Kyou had feared had finally come. The day where the Trio would go out and trick-or-treat at night, While going the route that Anaki had suggested. And with all of the "Evidence" that he's gathered up, he doesn't know if he should feel safe in her presence or not.

Kyou stood in front of the mirror in his bathroom, taking deep breaths and asking himself if he was ready to do this, ready to confront Anaki, ready to protect (F/N). He looked at his costume for the night, which was just a regular old super hero costume. It wasn't anything like the one in his song called "Super Hero" , it was basically just some jeans, blue t-shirt and a blanket tied around his neck. It made him feel cool, actually.

Taking another deep breath, he walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his pillowcase, and then walked out the door so that he could walk to Anaki's apartment.

Once he had reached the door, he didn't even need to knock because Anaki had already answered it. She was wearing something like one of those Sexy maid costumes, who knows why though. Probably to get perverts to give her more candy. She asked him if he liked her costume, but he couldn't answer. His inner self was practically going insane, but he shoved it aside with a big fat sigh and pushing her out of the way so that he could actually walk inside and basically get around her.

He then took notice to your costume, which was basically just a simple modern version of your favorite anime character- wig n' all.

After Anaki pestering Kyou to give her an answer of if he actually liked her costume - Which was her consistently pressing her Brest to his arm like that one scene in SAO - The three of you finally managed to head out and get some free candy.

In the middle of the night, Anaki had lead you to a house that looked like a run-down mansion. It was big, and sitting out in a field of dirt and wasn't surrounded by many houses. The lot was scheduled to have more houses built around it, but construction hadn't started.

Anaki stood in the front, ringing the door bell and holding her bag behind her back. She had a big smile on her face, and tended to look back for a few seconds.

"This is the house of a friend of mine, so is it ok if we stop here to rest up a bit..?" She asked, tilting her head a bit as she looked at the two of you.

"S- Sure.." Kyou answered tightening his grip on his pillowcase as he watched the door creak open.

"Oh! Anaki! It's nice to see you here." A man opened the door, it was one that looked in his mid-twenties, and smelled like the basement.

"Hello Slyder!" Anaki called out and waved, "Do you mind if we stay and rest here for a bit? Our feet are hurting really bad.."

"Well, actually-" you began, but then was cut off by this 'Slyder'

"Sure! C'mon in." He smiled, letting the three of you in.

You held to Kyou's arm as you walked inside, looking around and noticing boxes everywhere. The fan was working, looking like it was broken and going to fall because it was wobbly, and it also was dim because one of the lightbulb a had burned out. Plus, the house looked like it wasn't really cleaned in some places, and dust could be seen everywhere.

You stood over by the couch as Anaki walked over to Slyder, and beginning to whisper something in his ear, "The girl wearing the modernized costume is the one I want away from the boy, put her down. The boy standing next to her, make sure he's in a comfortable spot, he's the one I really want." She whispered, as he nodded.

After a few minutes of Chatting, Slyder had looked at his watch: 11:20 , he had kept you guys here for an hour, and no one had noticed.

Pulling out two rags from his pocket, his buddy, Claide, had walked down the stairs and stood next to him. Slyder handed him a rag, and whispered in his ear to "Dispose" of the girl wearing the modernized clothes. Behind his back, he handed Claide a rag, and snuck up behind You and Kyou.

Forcefully, they had wrapped the rag around your mouth, and the two of you struggling just helped it because it actually slid behind your teeth. Inhaling some chemical, you two had then passed out looking at a Smirking Anaki.

"Well, Boys, Take the boy wearing the red cape upstairs and set him down onto the guest bed, just take off the blanket around him and don't do anything else. As for the girl.. Take off her wig and throw her downstairs. Leave some ragged clothing down their too, I'll do the rest with her. Got it?"

The two boys nodded, "Right."

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I can't wait to write the next chapter -u-

It's gonna be fun to write

- Loreno (゜∇、°)

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