【 Promises 】

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Author's POV
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You smiled, walking out of your high school with your bag in hand. It was only a couple days before one of the most loved Holidays of the year, Halloween. The glorious holiday where you went up to people's doors and strangers gave you candy. You and your trio group of friends planned to go off and get candy around a neighborhood in which Anaki had suggested, and both you and Kyou agreed with that. Although she stated that she didnt want to go with the Vocaloid Members on Halloween, because they made her feel uncomfortable.

You and Kyou were okay with that, unsure what Miku and Rin would think about the whole subject.

"(F/N)..? Can I talk to you..?" Kyou asked as he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, the other holding his school bag.

You turned around to look at the brunette, "Sure, what is it?"

"I'd.. actually hope we could talk about it over at your place.." He mentioned, looking to the side, "I dont think it would be good to talk about it here."

"Alright. Let's go then." You smiled, turning around and walking away, Kyou catching up to you as the two of you walked to your home.

What..? Walking home, to one house together.. And (F/N) lives alone, too. This isn't good.. I need to keep my eye on them.. But what could Kyou be planning? Nothing bad, right? No, he cant be wanting to do anything like that with her. She's not meant for him, no one is! I swear, I'll kill her nice and slowly, so she can be able to take in the pain..

Once the two of you reached your apartment, You sat In a chair at the table as you looked over at Kyou, who was sitting across from you with his elbows on the table, fingers overlapping as he hid his mouth behind him, looking down at the table with a serious expression.
(If you've ever seen Naruto, It's basically how Sasuke sits when they're at the ninja academy.)

"So.. what did you want to talk to me about?"

"About our Halloween plans, I'm not sure If we should trust Anaki or not."

"What do you mean..?"

"She's acting more differently, giving people glares, other murderous looks. She tends to clench her hand whenever someone that isn't either one of us talking to either you or me, and lets not mention the fact that she dyed her hair from a pink-red to a dark ominous black."

"So what if she dyed her hair..?"

"Your so gullible, (F/N), Your missing the point. I just think Anaki is acting suspicious, is all. I think,she's having this big rivalry with you, take what happened a few weeks ago- Anaki getting pissed off when I asked you to be my partner instead of her for that algebra assignment. You could see the look on her face with preferential vision. You could hear pencils snapping from whenever she looked in our direction, she even through them at you! And then in P.E. , when you were the last one on the team, she was aiming the rubber ball at your face! I could tell, because after I missed my shot at getting you out, I turned Anaki's direction to go and grab another ball. But she was basically locked onto your figure. Turning angles so that she could get a perfect shot of where she could deal some damage, so she went straight towards your face. Don't you thing that as even just a little bit suspicious!?" He yelled, slamming his hands onto the tale as he stood up, looking at your fragile figure, "Dont you..?" He asked, his voice shaking a bit as his eyes became watery, "I dont want her to hurt you, I dont want her to do anything with you.." He looked down at he table, his arms shaking as his tears his the table, "I dont want to lose you."

You stood up from your seat, walking over to the opposite side of the table and hugged Kyou, the boy's arms slowly wrapping around you as he buried his face into your shoulder, crying softly as you pet his hair.

"I'm not going to die, Kyou." You told him, resting your head onto the side of his.

"You never know that.." He muttered, hugging you a tad bit tighter.

"I know i'm not going to leave you, because if i left you i knew that I'd hurt you, and i dont want to hurt you."

Kyou lifted his head from your shoulder and looked into your (E/C) eyes, placing his hands onto your cheeks, and then just went back to hugging you. That basically made you blush a bit, but lets just hope that Kyou didn't notice any of that.

"Alright.. we can go with Anaki for the Halloween thing. Just promise be you wont get hurt again, Okay?"

You nodded, "I promise."

"Good." He let go and pulled back from the hug, patting your head and then slapping his face with hands, "Dont tell anyone that I cried, It'll ruin my reputation of everything. But make sure you most defiantly don't tell Rin, she'll just make fun of me and say a ton of crap."

You nodded, giggling slightly, "Ok, I wont tell anyone."

"Remember your promise, 'kay?" He smiled, holding out his pinky.

"Okay." You smiled, wrapping your pinky around his as the two of you made a childish pinky promise to each other.

He then pat your head again, "Alright, I better leave. I dont want to keep you from doing anything."

"Okay, Make sure you get back to your place safely, Ok..? You live farther away, Right..?"

"Yeah," He nodded, writing something down on a piece of paper and then setting it down onto the coffee table before walking out of your apartment door, "See'ya!"

"Bye." You smiled, waving and then sighing before throwing yourself onto the couch, extending out a hand and grabbing the piece of paper he left behind and then looking at it, "Oh, it's his phone number.."

How.. How dare he! He got all touch with her, cried on his shoulder and all of that stuff, Why can't he do that to me!? Am I not good enough or something? Im a thousand times better then that thing! That Animal, That Flea.. I will certainly most defiantly will kill you, (F/N). Your too much of a distraction to my Kyou.

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It is getting really fun to write all of this :D
And all of it is getting exiting too.

Plus next Chappie might be something interesting -3-

- Loreno ٩(˙˙)۶...⋆ฺ

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