【 Frantic Completion 】

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Guys sacred spear explosion boy is one of or just ultimately my favorite len song and I regret nothing

Author's POV
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"Len! Have you figured out your song lineup!?" Miku burst into Len's room, causing him to throw his hands up jump slightly out of his seat. He turned his spiny office chair towards the door, his hand gripping was his chest and breathing heavily, his eyes widened.

"Don't. Do. that!" Len shouted, "You gave me a heart attack!"

"Whoops!" Miku giggled, sticking out her tongue and rubbing the back of her head.

"I've got the majority of my lineup done. I've just got to decide my opening and closer songs and a little bit of stuff in between. Who's choosing the group and pairing songs?" Len replied.

"Well," Miku thought, placing her pointer finger onto her chin, "the pairing songs are up to you and whoever you're paired with the song of you both want to sing them, and it'll be counted as a slot for either one of your song choices. I don't recommend that it be one of your openers or closers though, but it would be good to place it for a smooth transition in some cases. Because we're not all having one gigantic showing for each of us and we're all scattered about, it would be kind of interesting.. I do know that I'm going first, and After me may be Luka.. but I'm unsure of how everything else is going to go."

Len nods, turning back to his desk. "Alright, my song line up should be completed in about 10 minutes, I'll bring it to you then."

"Okay Len, don't go dozing off about (F/N) and hurry up so we can get to the theater so we can set things up and do a mini run through. School's almost out and the crew wants us students have time to study for our finals so we have to hurry and finish this."

"Yeah yeah whatever.." Len waved his hand around, Miku finally leaving him alone so he could think in a quiet place.

Running a hand through his messy blonde hair, the male looked over at the picture of You with Vocaloid 6 that you had given him.

With a small smile, Len quickly wrote down the names of songs and made sure to write your favorite one down there somewhere in the mix. More towards the end, though.

Once his list was finally complete, he checked the list to make sure everything seemed to be good for this concert. He made sure to include popular iconic songs, some undercover ones, some of his duets, and especially your favorite song.

Once he was satisfied with his choices, Len smiled and stood up from his desk and exited his room, looking around for Miku who was sitting in the front room with other people who had finished their lists of songs for the concert.

"Thank yoooou~" Miku smiled as she read the list, her eyebrows wiggling as she sees your favorite song listed in Len's song list.

Len rose a brow, clueless as to why Miku was wiggling her eyebrows. Realizing why, he averted his eyes as a blush crept its way to his cheeks.

Once the rest of the group's song lists were completed, they all made their way to the theater to do a short, quick rehearsal meeting thing.

"Why do we all have to be there again?" Len asked, not taking his eyes off the window of the vehicle Luka was driving.

"Because the chief wants to give some starting out words? I'm not sure." Miku says, shrugging her shoulders.

Filing his eyes, Len continues to look out the window as the drive continues. His phone buzzes, turning on with the notification of you sending him a text message.

To: You
From: (N/N) ♥︎

Heya Kyou! How's everything going? :)

Seeing that small smiley face made his heart skip a beat. Even if you two were dating, he loved the sweet little things you texted him.

To: (N/N) ♥︎
From: You

I'm doing great! Miku is making me help out with the concert ><;; We're headed out to the theater now for whatever reason.. I don't really understand why.

To: You
From: (N/N) ♥︎
Oh! You're helping out with the Vocaloid concert?? Dude, that's soooo cool! I wish I could help, but I know I'd probably get in the way hahahah ^^;;

To: (N/N) ♥︎
From: You
Don't say that! You'd be a great help :)

To: You
From: (N/N) ♥︎
Nah! It's okay. I'd like to save my experience for the theater for when the concert happens. It's so soon I'm excited !! >0<

To: (N/N) ♥︎
From: You
Yes! You're going to? We should sit together :)
Whelp- we've arrived at the theater and chief has started up everything. I'll talk to you later love, bye~

To: You
From: (N/N) ♥︎
Oh! Yes! We must! And bye-bye, love you ( = = ) !

To: (N/N) ♥︎
From: You
Love you too ♡♡♡

The conversation ended, Len having a big fat smile on his face as he walked out of the car and into the large building. Inside, the meeting started. The chief was helping the light crew getting stuff set up and other important manager chief things. The dressing rooms were already numbered and ready to be filled with the costumes the vocaloids + utauloids would be using.

"Ah! Yes, You're here!" The chief said loudly, his face beaming in happiness as he made a singular loud clap and walked towards the group of singers.

"I am your Chief for this concert, all I really do is help with you people entering and exiting the stage, song line ups, and a few other things. Now, since you all have your song lists with you.. let's finally make arrangements!"

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Ahh, yes. Updates.
Seriously, Reader-chan and Kyou are so freaking cute I'm gonna cry I wish Len was here so I could give him a not perverted hug.

This book is my favorite why don't I update this regularly I don't understand

- Loreno ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )

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