【 Invitations 】

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Author's POV
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You happily laid on your bed, looking up at the ceiling. You, (F/N) (L/N), had met the Utaloid Teto Kasane.

A large smile came across your face as you remembered what had happened the other day. You had become anxious as to when the next time you'd be able to see them. Especially for the concert.

You'd finally be able to have the chance to meet Kagamine Len.
The vocal artist you loved dearly..

You looked out at the window, it had begun to snow. As much as you wanted to go out there and mess around in it, you'd want to do it with your friends. But, you didn't want to bother then.

So instead, you sat cooped up in your room, wrapped in a blanket burrito, and drinking hot chocolate as you cried while rewatching the ending of Yuri on Ice for the 15th millionth time.

( Ok I'm just gonna say this here- I wrote the ice skating chapter before I even knew about or watched Yuri on Ice.
Because I wrote it a before the trailer came out lmao )

Sniffling, you went to go and rewatch the entire thing from the beginning.

Only to be I interrupted by a snowball hitting your window.

"(F/NNNNNNNN)!" Someone screamed your name, "COME DOWN HEEEEEERE."

You jumped slightly, almost spilling the hot drink on your newly owned (Anime) blanket from Christmas.

Groaning, you set the mug down onto your nightstand and looked out the window. There, stood Kyou.

Rolling your eyes, a soft chuckle was released from your lips. You struggled to open the window, but got it eventually.

"What is it?" You shouted down at the male. "You need anything?"

"Well.." You heard him mumble, "I was wondering.. W- Would you go to the New Years festival with me?" He said, looking up at you.

"What?" You shouted down, barely hearing the male.

Kyou grumbled, his face turning pink. "C- Could you.." He then shook his head, "PLEASE COME WITH ME TO THE NEW YEARS FESTIVAL, (F/N)!"

Your cheek's turned pink. You didn't expect him to show up at your window, throw a snowball at it and have him yell at the top of his lungs to ask you to go to the festival.

Smiling, you giggled. "Sure, I'd love to follow!" You shouted back.

"Alright, I'll pick you up at 6!" He smiled, "Ok, I'll be off now!" He waved before turning around and making his leave.

"Wait!" You shouted, trying to stop him. "Stay for a little bit! It's a bit lonely on breaks."

Kyou chuckled, "Alright." He nodded, turning towards the door of your apartment, letting himself inside.

Quickly, you shut the window and the door of your bedroom. After shutting off your laptop, you threw on some casual clothing and speed walking over to the door.

Once you walked into the kitchen area, you noticed that Kyou was sitting on your couch typing away at his phone. "You could've just asked me over text, Kyou."

"I know." Kyou nodded, finishing up his text before sliding his phone into his pocket. "But I wanted to see your pretty face." He told you with a cheesy smile.

Your eyes widened a bit, cheeks reddening as he said that. Adverting your gaze from Kyou, you grabbed 2 mugs from the cabinets.

"Do.. You want some Hot Chocolate?"

"Yes please."

Nodding, you threw together some cocoa for both you and the male.

Once that had finished, you slowly walked over to the couch and sat down next to Kyou, handing him the hot chocolate.

Taking a sip, you smiled. "I'm excited for this year."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah." You nodded, "I'm going to be meeting Len this summer."

Kyou took a sip of the hot chocolate, "that's nice."

"Kyou!" You puffed your cheeks angrily, then sighed. "I'm just, confused. I've met Miku, Rin, Luka, the others.. But I haven't met Len. Rin and Len usually aren't separated, and by now I should've been able to meet Len. I'm just, really disappointed too, I guess. I've loved Len for so long, and even just a simple 2 second hug from him will mean the world to me."

A small unnoticeable smile formed on Kyou's face.

Then, he chuckled, patting your shoulder. "Trust me, he's quite disappointed he hasn't met you either. Me, Rin, and everyone else have been texting him about how great you are and he's help us because he's the only person who hasn't meet you yet. C'mon, let's make him even more frustrated now." Kyou chuckled, and by catching you off guard he took a picture of you sipping your hot chocolate, then texting it to him.

"Now, I just have to wait for his reply."

"H- Hey, delete that picture!" You sat down the mug, trying to grab the light brunette's phone.

"Nope!" He chuckled, holding it up in the air.

"That's not fair Kyou!"

"I know."

-------------------- Time Skip

"I'll see you at the festival then, alright?"

"Yeah, you be safe on your way back home Kyou."

"I will." He smiled, patting your head before looking into your eyes.

"..Even just a simple 2 second hug from him will mean the world to me.."

Your words echoed through the back of Kyou's mind. Taking a quiet deep breath, the male wrapped his arms around you. "I'll see you later, then."

"Y- Yeah.." You nodded, Kyou's hug catching you off guard.

Smiling, Kyou pulled away from the hug and waved, walking back to his home.

Once he was out of your sight, you shut the door.
You were completely flustered by Kyou's sudden movements.

"K- Kuou gives good hugs.."

"And he smells good too..."

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- Loreno

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