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You remember that last thought I had, right? You know the, Geez that man can talk, one? Well, as you're about to see, he can talk EVEN MORE than that.

So Eragon and company started walking towards Gal's little chair I was sitting on the steps to, and he was smiling. It was that evil Jafar grin again, with his little beard and the crooked grin. I was a little grossed out by this, but I held it together. I mean, while this was going on, I was reading about the battle going on outside. What was happening to Roran, anyway. I have to say though, he was AWESOME!!!! And then I came back to Eragon every minute or so, just to make sure no one was dying yet. And then Gal started his bad guy monologue......

"So you've come to kill me? Well then, shall we begin?"

You know, not many people asked to be killed. And it's true that he wasn't actually wanting to be killed, but that was the vibe I was getting!!! Kill me!!!!!!!! That's what I was hearing from that little line.

In compliance with his royal jerk-faces' wishes, Elva stepped forward from the group and started speaking (you know because she can make you feel like dirt)........ but no sound was coming out. She was shocked, Eragon was shocked, I was neutral because I knew this was coming, and Gal was happier than a kid in the candy store.

"Did you truly believe I was so ignorant of your ability, child? Did you really think you could render me helpless with such a petty, transparent trick? Oh, I have no doubt your words could harm me, but only if I can hear them. Such folly. This is the extent of your plan? A girl who cannot speak unless I give her leave, a spear more suited for hanging on a wall than carrying into battle, and a collection of Eldunari half out of their minds with age? Tut-tut. I had thought better of you, Arya. And you, Glaedr, but I suppose your emotions have clouded your reason since I used Murtagh to kill Oromis."

Okay, I should explain some things. For those who are really confused right now: While I was stuck in Gal's castle "entertaining" him, Eragon went off on an epic quest. See, as soon as Nasuada was kidnapped, Eragon, who she chose as her successor, became the Varden's leader. To try and find something to help the Varden in the fight against Galbatorix, Eragon went to the old rider headquarters, an island off the coast called Vroengarg. When he got there, it was like Hiroshima after it was bombed..... inhospitable. There were strange creatures there (including Burrow Grubs). He had about 3 days or so to find something helpful and then get to the Varden pronto before the attack on the capitol. After about a day, he found what is called Vault of Souls. Basically, the dragons riders put this special safe on the island fill with hundreds of dragon eggs and about 50 or so eldunari to keep them company and safe. In fact, one eldunari had this special suit of armor that it could control through wires and stuff!!! Yeah, he almost killed Eragon, but that's okay because A) he didn't and B) he was doing his job. To keep the eggs from Gal's clutches, the riders hid the eggs here and made everyone think that dragons were basically extinct. The eldunari agreed to help Eragon, so he took all of them with him, except about 3 (and, you know, the one with the armor), so that they could go and stop Galbatorix's evil rein. Him being the guy that killed their riders and destroyed their race and all, you can imagine them being pretty ticked at the guy. I mean, I would too. So that's what Gal was talking about when said "those traveling with you unseen" and those random names that we haven't seen before. So now that you know what happened to him, let's get back to the story.....

After that little explanation I just gave you, you can imagine the reaction. Saphira's eyes squinted in hate. Eragon started breathing heavier with rage. And then, in the back of my mind Glaedr's voice sounded of, Kill him!!!!

And just like that, they charged forward. All four of them. And just as quickly, they stopped about 10 feet from us as Gal stood from his chair, said this whole shmell of gibberish, and then sat down again. Eragon and company were frozen statues wanting to kill a certain someone. The only thing that they could actually do was: talk, breath, and blink. That's about it. Other than that they were very colorful, angry statues. That's when the real fight began.

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