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The march through the camp was..... different. For one thing, it was dark this time so only fire light and the stars were lighting up the faces of those looking at me. Eragon explained the rules and that I shouldn't walk through the camp alone (yay, because I'm going to sit in a tent all day and wait for an escort! It made me roll my eyes). It was a lot scarier at night too because I could barely see where I was. It was like I was trapped on a forest of darkness with only small beams and a dragon and rider for guidance. Anyways, when we finally got to my tent, we had walked a really long time and my feet were killing me. I was, of course, walking in shoes with heels. As Nasuada had said, my tent was directly to the right of Eragon's. And they were so close together that if they had been any closer they'd have been on top each other. Eragon noticed me rub my eyes (I was really tired, you would be too if you had gone through what I had been through with nothing keeping you going except an adrenaline. My adrenaline had worn off as soon as we had left the tent!), "Sorry," he told me, "we would have been here sooner, but after the 'shock' that you had today, I didn't think that us riding Saphira would have been good for your health." I only nodded, and then went into the tent. I doubt that Saphira would let me ride her even if it was my final wish as I was on my death bed.

The people who had set up my tent had a small cot laid out on the floor made of wool. The tent was exceedingly small and obviously only meant for one person. I threw my backpack down in the back corner, and heard whispering. I pressed my ear against the worn cloth, and listened keeping dead silent. I do this quite often when I'm having trouble sleeping and my parents are talking about something interesting; that's how I found out that the surprise they refused to tell us was a trip to Disney Land.;) The voice outside the tent was Eragon's but it was very, very quiet. This is what I heard, "........... guard............. don't let out........... no one goes in................... could be dangerous............... don't reveal." That was it. Then I heard foot steps outside and saw shadows of two men stand side be side outside at the back of the tent. I also heard giant footsteps and a "bang" on the ground to the front. I peaked out through a crack in the opening. It was Saphira and her head was only centimeters from my tent opening.

I was trapped. It wasn't like I was going to go anywhere. Where would I possibly go!? Apparently they still didn't trust me. Well, I was tired anyway, so I pulled a blanket and a pillow from my backpack (don't ask I don't know how), and laid down on the cot. I was just going to set up the pillow in a position I wanted, to see how it felt with the cot, I hadn't even changed into my pj's yet, but I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow. And as soon as I fell asleep, I was woken up by my alarm clock.

I was in my bed at home, and my alarm clock was singing, "ehhhhhhhhhhhhh.. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" I got up and ran to the other side of my room to turn off the alarm. It was 6:11 in the morning. I felt well rested, and remembered nothing about magic or dragons or anything. It was just a normal day of school. I showered, got dressed, had cereal for breakfast, and went to school. I hung out with my friends, and we laughed and laughed (as usual). Then I went to class, and learned; in class after class after class. About half way through my normal day, I started to hear loud noises. They slowly got louder and louder, until I couldn't stand it any more. I opened my eyes, and the daylight streamed through the tent. I sat up quickly, what on earth!?

That was way too realistic to be a dream. Yet, here I was in the tent I had fallen asleep in last night. The strangest part was, I was in the exact t-shirt and jeans that I had changed into in the dream. I had tennis shoes on my feet. I stood up, I could have sworn that I hadn't changed last night. Oh well, now that I'm up I might as well go somewhere while I'm up; right? I threw my glasses on my face, and pulled my hair into a quick pony-tail. I didn't need breakfast, I felt like I had eaten already.

I opened the tent flap and stepped into the sunlight. Saphira was gone, but in her place was two elves. They were both boys, and they were unreadable. They looked at me with eyes as if they were looking at an animal about to rip them to shreds. I didn't mind, at least they wouldn't get too up close and personal. I looked them straight in the face, and said, "So.......... are you here as guards or as escorts?" They looked at each other, probably talking through mind contact like people in the book always did. They looked back at me and the one on my left said to me, "We were asked to make sure that nothing........ went amiss while you stayed here." "Am I going to be taken in for questioning?" "No, we are simply to escort you anywhere you go. You may go anywhere you wish." "Okay," I said excited to do some exploring of the camp I had read so much about. I started walking wondering where I should start first. They two elves followed.

"Why are dressed like that," one of them asked. At that comment I stopped suddenly in my tracks and gave them the 'WHAT' look. "What do you mean 'dressed like that'?" "You are wearing trousers? And some sort of tunic? Are you not?" "Um.......... okay then. The 'trousers' are called jeans, and the 'tunic' happens to be my science fair t-shirt." "You are also wearing very strange shoes." "Tennis shoes?" They stared at me blankly. "But you have not answered our question, why are you dressed like that?" I gave them my best 'are you an idiot' face and said, "I don't know, why are you dressed like that?" "These are my clothes, I don't have any others. And they are completely normal."  "Well, there is your answer." "But your clothes are not normal!" "What is normal to you and normal to me is completely different! Where I come from the only reason we would dress like that is if we were going to a renaissance fair!" And with that I started walking away.

They followed, of course, looking dumbfounded like they had been slapped in the face. I had decided where I wanted to go during that whole conversation. I walked backwards and said as I went, "Do you know where Angela's tent is?" "Of course! Why?" "I want to pay a visit to her!"

A.N. Okay, this is not my most exciting chapter, or the funniest for that matter, but it has important clues. This dedicated to KTBug_3 who, I just found out, joined wattpad! You should totally follow her and read her awesome story! VOTE, COMMENT, READ FOLLOW! Thanks. :D 

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