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I was so tired. My eyes opened maybe a fraction of an inch, even that hurt. Breathing hurt. Blinking hurt. The sunshine coming in through the cracks of the tent hurt. My body ached. I felt like a mummy because so much cloth was wrapped around my torso. It felt like 3 pillows were piled on top of my back that were like ship anchors crushing me. I felt various areas that had a lot of bruising from the day's events. I tried to move my head, it was like my neck was a lead pipe that I was too weak to bend. 

I was lying on my stomach. My arms were dangling over the sides of the cot I was on. They didn't touch the floor because I'm so short, which makes them so short. I slowly brought them up to level with the cot, bad move. I gasped in pain as my back flared and the muscles creaked like rusty door hinges. I let them rest a minute and them brought them up more carefully. I placed my palms on the sides and pushed down on them slightly to try and raise myself up to try and get off the cot. That was the next bad move I made. My hands erupted in what felt like fire. I moved them immediately out from under me. Bad Move!!!! I hit the cot suddenly. Even though I had only lifted myself about 3 inches about the cot, moving you hands out from under you all at once causes you to fall. I landed heavily and almost cried as whole body's network of nerves sent pain signals to my brain. 

I laid my head on the pillow it had been on before, turned to I was on my right side, and then lifted my left hand so that I could see what was wrong with my hands. My hands mummy wrapped in cloth and gauze!!! It looked like a giant q-tip!!! My fingers were tied together so I couldn't move them. I then looked at my feet. I was covered in about 6 blankets. Then I looked around at the tent I was in. Except I wasn't in the tent I had blacked out in....

I was in Nasuada's red pavilion!! Her desk was next to my cot. I could see behind the desk. It was still piled high with papers and maps and such, but it seemed messier than last time. The chair behind it was scooted away from the desk, as if it had been pushed out in frustration. The pavilion was large, and from the light coming in from the outside, I guessed it was about noon. 

I was thirsty, hungry, and I couldn't move because of stiff muscles and pain. So I did what the next best thing was: I yelled for help. I guess you really couldn't call it a "yell," because it was more of a raspy whisper. Trying to talk was almost murder. My throat felt like it was wrapped in 7 blankets, in a sauna, inside an erupting volcano, in the Sahara desert in the middle of the summer, all of it surrounded by a forest fire, on the sun. There was absolutely no moisture at all!!! So talking was more like a slightly loud-ish whisper that didn't really accomplish anything. 

"Hello. Hello. (Oh, man I can't talk right now.) Little help. Can't move. Person needs help. Please help injured person." I could barely hear myself!! How was anyone else going to hear me? So I put more juice into it. This time it sounded more like slightly hushed talking. "Help. I would like help!" I started to try and get some moisture in my mouth by.... you know, whatever you do when you have no water and you want your mouth moist. 

It was difficult, and my throat hurt a little afterwards, but my mouth was a little more usable now. I spoke as loud as I could, "Hello!! Little help please!!!" I guess that worked because I heard some rustling outside, some whispering, and then someone with really heavy footsteps ran off somewhere to my right. I laid there thinking, Oh, great!!! I'm stuck here!! Then more footsteps, walking and coming from my right, came to the tent, and spoke in whispers to some people outside. If I looked really hard at the side of the tent, I could see a shadow of what was standing out side of the tent. The tent was completely surrounded by warriors!! In front of the tent entrance was a group of people, that's where the whispering came from. 

I noticed at this time that my glasses had been taken off. I freaked out a little bit. Why you ask? Well it's really hard to find glasses replacements in Alagesia, and I honestly didn't want to use my spare. I had out grown those three years before and the lenses were scratched so bad that it looked as if a cat had decided to try and kill glass that day. Besides, they were bright, baby pink!!! I was way to old for that. My current glasses were so much better and cooler than the old ones. Then I turned my head to the desk and realized that they were folded up nicely and sitting on it. They weren't dirty or anything, from what I could tell. But you must realize, I'm near-sighted, so I could have been greatly mistaken. 

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