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To put it in a light manner, it was boring. I knew what was going on in there. Eragon and Saphira were consulting about the right spells to use, how pronounce them, and magical stuff like that. Gertrude was knitting in the corner, watching silently, and the baby was sleeping on Eragon's cot. Everyone else was outside waiting away. The baby's father Horst came, and he looked like he was on such an edge that he was going to fall off a the crumbling edge of Mount Everest and then end up in Niagara Falls to get eaten by crocodiles!!! Everyone else was around there, but not quite to that level yet.

Arya was busy, so was Eragon, so was Saphira, so were the elves, and no one else really wanted to babysit a foreigner. I can't say I blame them. It would be really awkward considering I was 14. So, I couldn't go anywhere. I didn't feel like reading. I didn't want to go to sleep with the excitement going on. I didn't really want to do anything. So I paced. I walked in the same circular motion for a really long time. I probably made the perfect track for people to run on! True, it was kind of small for a track for people, so I label it the Track for Ants. GO ANTS GO!!!!! I also made like the most perfect  circle ever in creation! My art teacher would have been so proud!

So, anyway, I paced and paced until there was a ditch in the ground up to my knees! That's when I decided to stop out of thirst. I began to realize that I so dehydrated that I might faint at any moment! I hadn't drunk anything for about 6 hours! My throat was a desert, my tongue was a fish out of water, and my whole body probably looked like one of those raisins.

I knew that I wasn't supposed to go off on my own, but I need water, BAD!!!! So I walked to the nearest well I could find, which was like half a mile away. That was a long desperate walk right there. I probably scared people! I was probably like a zombie, except instead of saying "Brains! Brains!", I cried "Water! Water!"

So, I got to the well and practically fell in because I tried to get the water with my face instead of the bucket. Luckily I caught myself and somehow convinced my thirsty throat to wait until I got some water in the bucket. I finally pulled the bucket out of the well full of water, and I almost ended up dumping the whole thing on my head drinking straight from the bucket. Not the most sanitary thing, I know, but I was really thirst!

I put the bucket back into the well, and pulled up another bucket-full of water to drink. I had just barely pulled it out when I saw a shadow pass by. It was after midnight, so I looked over curiously. I saw a dude, whose face I couldn't see, dressed completely in black with a cloak around him. He was carrying an unlit torch thingy. That was mysterious to me because it was super dark outside, and he was running around with an unlit torch! WHAT!!!!???!!!! He ran from tent to tent on the very border of the camp. He would stop at each tent, hide behind it, look to make sure no one was looking or following him, and then he would run to the next tent. Not a red flag at all!!! And nobody seemed to notice this guy!!! I decided that because he was so mysterious in his works, he was going to get a face full of water. I was rather aggravated after the days events, and decided it would be fun.

I grabbed the bucket, and jogged after the man, careful not to let the water slip out. I stayed on the other side of the tent as him, as not to be sighted. He kept running, never seeing me, and ended up at Eragon's tent. I watched from the shadows. (Man did I feel like a ninja at this time! I was probably really stupid, but man did I feel cool. Finally something to do besides pace!)

He took off his hood. It was Mr. Creepy himself!!! (What a dork!) He took a box of matches out of a pocket and struck one of them on the side of the box. He went through 3 matches before he finally got one of them lit!!!! (Ahhhhhh, poor little boy is struggling to light a match! :) Ahhhh!) He lit the torch, and held it directly next to Eragon's tent. He was going to light the tent on fire with the baby, Eragon, and Gertrude in it! (Oh, crap!) 

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