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You know your tired when you can literally feel the black bags under your eyes. My eyes were drooping and having a hard time staying open; I was sooooooooooooooooo tired! The only thing keeping me up and going was the adrenaline I had going on from weirdness and fear. The group of 8 things I had woken up to were still in a circle around me, and apparently found it their personal mission to escort me to where ever it was we were going. Not only that, but they seemed to enjoy annoying me by stabbing me in the back. Whenever I stumbled, walked too slow, or even turned by accident in the wrong direction, 1 of them behind me would poke me in the back with some type of pointed weapon. 

They around me kinda freaked me out too. There were two of each, like Noah's ark. Two of them were extremely tall, definitely NOT human, and had horns. Another two looked like children with cat eyes, matted hair, and pointed teeth and nails. The next two were about six feet tall, pointed ears, slanted eyes, and had absolutely no expression at all. I couldn't so much as tell if they even had an opinion of me at all; that kinda freaked me out a little too. The last two looked as if they could be from Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. They were short (like seriously 3 feet tall short) and had the whole get together!! Beards and everything! The difference was that the dwarfs from Snow White didn't carry battle axes that looked as if the could take your head off with one swing, and I was also taller than the dwarfs themselves! 

As they shoved me through the "camp" (I didn't know what to call it at that moment, I had no idea what it was!), I was being stared at the whole time by bystanders. I felt so awkward and violated! Women, children, men that looked ready to tear my face off, all stood along the pathway we were on; simply staring at me. Talk about stalkerish! They were all of the same races that surrounded me in my "escorting circle," with the addition of more humans than any other species ( that's good, humans, at least I can try and reason with them if speak English). 

They marched me for what felt like forever (it was really only about 2 miles, but as previously stated I was wearing terrible shoes that hurt my feet) with people staring at me and along the same scenery of tent after tent after tent after tent, all the same color. I truthfully though that we were walking in circles. So, after that horrid walk we finally came upon a very large, bright red pavilion in the middle of the pathway. The guards escorted me to the pavilion, opened the entrance flap, and pushed me inside. They stayed outside, apparently to keep guard ( thank heaven's I don't think I could take anymore of them, I might have lost it). When I finally regained my balance from being pushed, directly in front of me was a desk with many papers upon it and a woman behind it. She had exceedingly dark skin, short black hair cut off at the chin, and was wearing a yellow dress. She did not look happy. The next thing I noticed was that the circular tent was lined with several people. on the right side of the desk was a man who looked to be about 17-ish. He was tall, had brownish blonde hair, slanted eyes, pointed ears, and had and extremely long blue sword on his hip. On the other side of the desk was a woman maybe 18 with long black hair, slanted eyes, pointed ears, an unreadable face, and also had a long sword at her side. There were other people including a tired looking man with a crown on his head and only  took interest in the goblet he was drinking from, and child cat thing, and a tall beast thing with horns. 

Two different men stepped from the side and tore the backpack from my back, and walked to one side of the pavilion. They immediately began to look through all the pockets and everything. "Hey," I said about to walk towards them, but stopped in my tracks because I heard almost everyone in the room draw their swords. I froze and never moved from that spot. 

"Why are you here?" asked the women behind the desk, obviously the leader. I was about to answer, when a very short man walked into the tent. He looked like he was from Snow White, but with more superiority, a hammer, and a crown on his head.

"Forgive me for being late," he said, "I was told about this at very late notice."

"There is no need for you to ask forgiveness King Orik, " the lady behind the desk replied, "please join the council. Now, why are here?" She was now looking at me with a very foul look. 

I didn't answer straight away, I could tell it annoyed her and everyone else. Even though they had swords, I still wanted to be a rebel (don't ask why, I honestly don't know). Then, to startle me even more than I was before, a very large blue head that took up a the whole entrance came in. It was like a lizard, but with more awesome power and well........ awesomeness. I guessed that's what we would call a dragon, but I still was shocked.

"I will ask one more time before I get angry," the women said, and as I was about to answer with a sarcastic comment, the noise happened. It was that classic cell phone ring tone that annoys you to death if you don't answer it. Everyone froze, and became agitated. "Oh no," I said thinking out loud,"I forgot to turn it off!" I walked to the backpack, everyone drew their swords and stared me down. I didn't care, I wanted to answer my cell phone. I grabbed the backpack as the men holding it tried to pul it away, then I opened a small pocket and answered the phone just in time. "Hello."

(I will only be telling you the parts I said and that the other people in the pavillion heard.)

"Hi, grandma...... no I'm not at home right now......... where am I?  Well, I'm at a camp.........which one, um, I'm at a battle camp........... why?  I, uh, it's for history! Yay, history, you know, for school........ oh, by battle camp I mean, um, reenactment camp......... yay, I'm in pre-a.p. so we do a bunch of crazy extra stuff.......... Which battle are we reenacting? Um, we are reacting the Battle of Yorktown......... Yay, we're learning about the American Revelation right now.......... Oh, ummmmmmmmmm, I'm on the British side. I'm being interrogated for information by the other side........... No, they did that. It's just they don't mention the grubby details for the sake of less boredom......... No we haven't started the actual battle yet............. Run into any animals? Well, I ran into a few (I was staring at the dragon at this time).......... You know, the usual. Squirrels, lizards, a bear or two............. No I won't be home for a while............... Might be home next week if I'm lucky, it depends on how long it takes the battle to be reenacted.......... Yay, Dad's at home, so you'll have to call the home phone.......... Nice talking to you to............. Kay, love you to grandma........... by."

I hung up the phone to find everyone staring at me again, very confused. The dragon was the first to break the silence. I am not a lizard, she growled argily. I was shocked because her lips didn't move (it was a woman's voice), and dragons don't exist, let alone talk! 

"What was that," I said in a panic. I looked around me scared.

"That was Saphira," said the guy next to the desk on the right, "but what was that thing you just talked into?"

"That was called a cellphone. Wait! How did you not know about a cell phone!?"

"What do you mean," said the woman behind the desk, "who are you?"

"My name is Sadie. But where am I and who are all of you!? And why do you want to kill me?!"

"We don't want to kill you! We just want to why you dropped in on our camp so suddenly in the middle of a war," said the man to the right, "But to start answering you questions, I am Eragon Shadeslayer, rider of Saphira and you........." 

I cut him off, "Wait what did you say your name was?"

"Eragon Shadslayer."

I bent in half and started to laugh uncontrollably, partially out of fear, weirdness, and complete incomprehension.  I finally stopped as tears streamed down my cheeks. "That's very funny guys," I said out loud, " you can jump out with the video camera now! You totally got me! Common guys!" Everyone around me looked like they had just lost something. And I twirled around in a circle trying to catch a glimpse of modern technology. There was none. 

"This isn't a prank, is it?" I said in dispair. "What is a prank," the guy who claimed to be Eragon replied. "And why did you laugh at my name."

"It's just your a book," I said shocked that this was even happening. 

Sucked Away: EragonWhere stories live. Discover now