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  • Dedicated to Summer Vacation!!!!!

"That was an unmotivated attack. You have not been a danger to anyone or thing in the camp. He is obviously one of Galbitorix's spys."

"I haven't the slightest idea who that guy was! I just know that he was trying to kill me! I'm also pretty sure he wasn't from Alagaesia."

"What would make you say that?" 

"Subtle details. The first thing I noticed was his hair. It is cut and styled exactly the way a boy where I come from would style it. Second, the way spoke. He had the lingo of a teenager from 2014, not Alagaesia. Third, he shoes were way to shiny and familiar looking. I swear that I saw those exact boots at K-mart when I was there with my brothers shoe shopping. I also got a very close look at his clothing considering the fact he was on top of me for however long. That stitching was not hand sown. It was way too sharp and straight for any human being. Yes, I'm sure your seamstresses are brilliant, but that was by a machine. I should know, I have to unpick and I stare at that stitching everyday."

To put it on a very light way, everyone was on edge. I was being stared at again, except this time it was like I was about to drop dead within the next few minutes. I didn't like that very much. I still had my adrenaline going. It was probably the thing that was keeping me from going into shock. We were in Nasuada's pavilion. She was deeply pondering this unprovoked attack while everyone else was discussing what we thought was going on. I found out that I had a few bruises and splinters accompanied by some scrapes and cuts. They weren't serious, thank heavens, but I knew that I was going to feel those in the morning.

I found out that Eragon, Arya, and everyone else hadn't understood what was going on until my tent collapsed. They hadn't seen Mr. Creepy walk into my tent, but they did wonder why I had tied my opening shut on such a hot day. They had heard a few noises, but for some odd reason they didn't find that alarming at all (think about this for a moment: you're in a war camp in the middle of the biggest and most dangerous war of all time, and you hear a few noises that never usually happen at all ever and you are not alarmed at all and won't even go check to see what the heck is going on. WHAT? What the heck were these poor souls thinking!?!). Then my tent collapsed and they finally came running to see what caused this unnatural phenomenon. They got there to see me try to scramble out of there about half-way to my tent, then Ian the Bounty-Hunter jumped on me. They got out their swords and were about to cut the guy to shreds when I threw him off. He noticed the company of Elves and a dragon about to destroy him epicly, so he ran for the hills. It was only then did they actually get to me no-longer-existent-tent to see how I was doing. You know how I was.

After the stupidest question ever asked supplied by Arya, and me finally getting untangled from the tent shambles, Eragon literally picked me up in his arms like a baby (don't ask me why, I have no idea. I guess I looked really bad or something along those lines. It was really embarrassing though! Believe me.), then he ran me as fast as he could to Nasuada's pavilion. The whole group was in a circle around him the whole way there, with Saphira flying above us to make sure that no one was following us. I also tried to explain to them the whole way there that I was fine! But they wouldn't listen to me, and only put me down when we got inside the pavilion. Then I was placed down gentle in the chair like a fragile piece of glass.

Eragon explained what they had seen to Nasuada while Arya told the guards to be on high alert while the elves circled the tent and set up "protective spells," they called them. Saphira never joined us, I guess she just wanted to search for that coward of a creep. I, meanwhile, was being looked over like a hurt animal. I suppose I was, but still. These people were smothering me to death! I already had like 3 encounters with death within the past week and I didn't need another. I finally told them to cut it out, when they asked me, "Do you feel alright?" "Of course, why?" They looked at each other with concerned looks, something obviously passing between them, them they handed me a hand mirror.

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