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3 days passed fairly quickly, which was extremely surprising. After Ian's fiasco the other day, Gal had me under 24/7 surveillance. This wasn't necessarily to keep Ian out, but to keep me in. See, as soon and Ian left, I was no longer "bound" by the ancient language (yes, because it has SUCH a powerful influence over me ;) ) to stay in the dungeon willingly and not try to escape. He didn't tell me this, but I knew already. Gal was also in my humble little dungeon almost every second of everyday, which became tiresome, but at least he was content with the MANY movies we watched and well, bored games. Yes, I introduced him to board games. Why? Because we got bored of course!!

He even took the liberty to place more guards at my door. He brought the outside guards inside my dungeon to watch me; then he placed two more outside my door. So now I had four guards. He really had nothing to worry about in terms of me escaping. I was pretty content with where I was. Besides, I figured that if Fate wanted me somewhere, she could flash me there in 0.0000000000000001 seconds. There were only two problems with these guards being inside my dungeon though. 1) They watched me ALWAYS. Meaning when I slept. That was just awkward. You don't watch people while they sleep!!! That's just wrong!!!!!!!!!! That's something you do if you're that creepy stalker down the street..... 2) They didn't move, AT ALL!! They were like the guards outside Buckingham Palace. They just stood there and their eyes watched you as you moved. I mean, I even tried to get them to move even just a little, but NOOOOO!! They stood there. And so, they became my entertainment for every second that Gal wasn't in my face. We had staring contests (they normally won), and I even drew a curly mustache on them. Okay, that was in the beginning when I told them to lighten up and relax; I wasn't going anywhere. They didn't listen to me, so they brought the consequences on themselves....

But, anyway, around the midnight hour of night number 3, a guard came into the dungeon to tell Gal some important information.

"Sir!" said the guard.

"What?" Gal barked back.

"Our spies tell us that Eragon and Saphira will be fighting in the north eastern flank!!"


Oh, FYI: the city, and specifically Gal, was preparing for a battle with the Varden. I mean, everyone knew that this battle was coming. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like the Varden was camped outside the city or anything!! (note the sarcasm) Oh no, they're just having a little picnic, with lots of pointy objects and a fire-breathing dragon. A REALLY BIG picnic with elves, and dwarves, and werecats, and Urgals, all of which hated Gal's guts and wanted to kill him!!! But it's just a picnic mind you... just a picnic.

The guard also whispered something into Gal's ear that made him perk up, like "Oh really!?!" You know, like a kid who just got told by a friend of his that his parents were throwing him a surprise party. Gal smiled and then turned to me. "I will leave you now. I must prepare for our guests to arrive. Murtagh, you stay here and...... keep an eye on her."

Murtagh nodded and then Gal left.

To be honest, Gal should have seen this coming. As soon as he was out of hearing distance, Murtagh looked at me and was like, "Are you ready to meet your fate!?!"

I laughed at him, "Ha!! You think that you can beat me so easily child!?!"

Normally, in this time period, being called child or boy was an extreme insult, but he was used to me called him that by now. No, that wasn't my nickname for him either. I didn't have a nickname for Murtagh, mainly because I liked his name. The reason wasn't even that I couldn't find a reasonably good nickname either. Heck, I'm the queen of nicknames!!! My friends and I are like the 3 Musketeers at nickname giving!!! But it's like when I try to get my friends to call me by my nickname that my brothers and family members use; IT DOESN'T WORK!!! Why? I don't know!!!! They claim that they like the my name the way it is, and I believe them, but sometimes I wonder......

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