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I slept relatively well that night. After all, it does take a lot of energy to keep yourself alive after falling from the sky. The protection around me was slowly getting more and more extensive. Not only would the elves not leave my tent all night (they even slept in a circle around it!!!), but now Saphira was getting involved. She wouldn't go anywhere, unless I was there with her. I was supposed to stay with Eragon according to what our deal was with Nasuada, but Saphira didn't go with Eragon everywhere because of the fact that there was very little space in certain places of the camp. Until now. At this point she didn't care where the place was or how squished she was going to be, she was going whether Eragon and I liked it or not. Eragon didn't mind, I did. Mainly because I have problems with people following me (if you haven't picked that up yet) and having all this security around was a little over the edge. And I know that I was only 14, but they treated me like a child. I wasn't used to this, nor am I used to it now. I'm the oldest girl in my family, the second child in the family!!!! I was normally left in charge to babysit or something!!!! Normally it was me in charge of people, not people in charge of me.....

So, because of this I snuck away again. I know, I know... someone just tried to kill me yesterday and I was going to go off by myself. Probably not the best idea at the time. But I was getting smothered to death and there was no way I was going to leave the camp in any case. People were running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to hurry and pack up their stuff so the camp could move later that day. So I figured that with all these people bustling about, I wouldn't be too easy to spot. So I went for a little walk.

It was like school all over again. School it the ultimate obstacle course. This is because you walk through the halls going from one end of the school to another in under 4 minutes. That doesn't sound very hard, right? Wrong. What you forgot was that there is about 999 other people trying to get to where they are going under 4 minutes as well. This results in bobbing and weaving through people and crowds. And then there are those annoying groups of people who stand in the middle of the hall so you have to bob and weave through the crowd and avoid them!!!! And nutritionists say that children don't get enough exercise anymore................... They should trying doing this 7 times a day for 5 days a week, plus P.E.!!! 

I walked through the human obstacle course and was just minding my own business when I felt that sensation in the back of head of eyes following me. Me being paranoid from yesterday almost grabbed a hot piece of metal from the black smith across the way and threw it behind me. Then I realized that could hurt an innocent person who didn't deserve that, and it would probably hurt me, so I decided against it. I walked a little further just to see it someone really was following me, and after deciding someone was, I whipped around quickly and without warning. There was no one there. No one out of the ordinary. This puzzled me, until I saw a nearby tent flap swinging as if someone had run in and hid suddenly. I decided to be Sherlock and investigate.

I stopped in front of the tent, and hesitated. What if it was Ian trying to kill me again? I really, really did not want to die today!!! But I also didn't want to feel like I was being followed either. So, I decided to check even if it meant I was going to get hit in the face by Mr. Creepy. I'd beat him twice before. Why couldn't I do it again?

I pulled the tent flap open as fast and as unsuspecting as possible, but I didn't find Mr. Creepy there. Instead I found a very young girl, maybe 6, with dark raven hair, extremely pale skin, violet eyes, and a silver star on her forehead. She had a very sad and mournful look in her eyes, along with built up anger. I knew who this was.........

Elva, I knew from the book descriptions, wasn't even 2 years old yet. In the first book Eragon had accidentally cursed her as an infant trying to give her a blessing. Her curse made it so she felt everyone's pain, had to go help them no matter what, and could see into everyone's soul and know what their deepest secrets were. Eragon was insanely afraid of her. Mainly because all she'd have to do is talk to you and you'd want to commit suicide!! And on top of that he was the one who gave her this terrible curse!!! She would never have a normal childhood!!! In the third book Eragon helped Elva's curse slightly. It gave her back her choice to go help someone or not to. But she could still feel everyone's pain and see what was going to happen to them in the near future. If it involved pain, she could see it.

Sucked Away: EragonWhere stories live. Discover now