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A.N. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you think this is the end, you are GREATLY mistaken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Sadie will not go into another Inheritance Cycle book again, because, let's face it, that was the last book in the series. Yes, the characters from this one will come in every once in a while. She WILL go into other places though!!

If you have a book, movie, television show, or other.... something she should go into: LEAVE IT IN A COMMENT!!!!!! That's the only way I'll know what you would think is cool. I do have I ideas, but I want to know what my fabulous readers think!!!! XD

The squeal is already out. Sucked Away: Star Wars (keeping with the theme, of course). So go out and read it ASAP!!!!!!!!!

Love you all!!!!!!! 

your favorite red dog

Sucked Away: EragonWhere stories live. Discover now