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That's right, I was in a jail cell. Well, not exactly a "jail cell;" it was really more of a dungeon a couple  hundred feet underground. I also know the question your going to ask... how did the school's goody-goody, straight A nerd get into a jail cell? To answer that, I'm going to have to tell the whole story over again.

You see. I've told this story before to my younger siblings. They laughed at the funny parts and thought it was a clever story I made up on the ball. I told it to my friends and other people, they thought the same thing. What you as the reader need to get into that brain of yours right now is that this really did happen to me! And do not... I repeat DO NOT question this! I am not crazy and I did NOT make this up. 

The name is Sadie, but my extremely good friends that I've known forever call me Sade.

It all started on a bright, sunny, hot, cloudless summer in early January. I had gone to another school with the Quiz Bowl team to compete against other nerds for first prize. 

For those of you who do not know what Quiz Bowl is: It is a mental sport where you are asked random questions about random things; then you try to answer correctly before the other team. It's like the T.V. show Jeopardy, but for junior highs and high schools. If you haven't seen it... then I guess you should Google it because I don't know how else to describe it. 

I had just gotten back to my school, having lost epically, and was very irritable. You have to realize, I was only 14 at the time, and a nerd. Getting something wrong in a sport like Quiz Bowl, or even answering a teacher wrong in class, was enough to tick me off. I wasn't angry at anyone, just myself. I had already tried to call my parents to come and pick me up several times, as it was 5:00 in the afternoon and school ended at 3:00. They didn't answer. All my friends had already left, and so had the bus. That meant I had to walk. 

I know what you are thinking. Awe, poor little girl can't walk 2 blocks to her house; awe! Well first off, my house is on the other side of town. It is most certainly NOT 2 blocks away. It's really more of a field crossing, then a flight of stairs, then a parking lot, then a church, then a main road, after that a street, later a park, a swimming pool, another main road with a stop light, a college, another church, my friend's street, the other friend's street, a main road, a high school, a bus garage, a cemetery, my third friend's street, a main road, a super steep hill, a church, a park, a second park, some baseball fields, a  main road that cars go 50 mph and over on that I have to cross twice, a street, a turn, another turn, and THEN I walk 2 blocks that way! Second, I had just gotten done with a 4 hour bus trip, and that's only to the place! Not only was I tired, we had driven all that way just to lose! So, I was irritated, and having to walk home made me even more irritated. Third, I was wearing slacks and shoes that hurt my feel. Only because I had to dress up for Quiz Bowl. That really sucked. 

So anyway, back to the topic, I started walking across the field toward my home. I was almost to the park when I observed the strangest thing. There was no one, I was completely alone. It was after school on a Friday: this place should be buzzing with activity. There were no animals, moving cars, no humans, nothing!

Of course I felt uncomfortable, but I just thought it was a coincidence. I kept walking. I decided to to cut my walk down by about 30 steps by crossing through the park instead of going around it. I was smack-dab in the middle when I got the felling I was being followed. I stopped dead in my tracks and listened. Silence, but I couldn't shake this feeling of being watched. I could feel a presence behind me. That really freaked me out, so I swung around, ready to attack if someone was behind me.

I didn't see anyone, but I did see something. It was a small white speck that continued to increase in size. At first I thought it was nothing, until I noticed that I couldn't move in any way except to breath and blink. It fixed me in place, and I had no idea what it was. It was beautiful, but I didn't want to look at it anymore. It was really just freaking me out at this point. I tried to run away (even though I knew I couldn't move); needless to say, it didn't work. 

It continued to grow in size until it was a perfect circle that fit around me perfectly. It moved closer to me as it grew, eventually ending up right next to me. The only problem was that it had no feeling. It was as if there was nothing even there, but yet there was a great white circle next to me in the middle of a park. 

It froze in mid-air beside me; doing nothing for about three seconds. I let out the breath I had been holding in, thinking it was all over. It was like on of those moments in the movies when the one guy diffuses a bomb and saves everyone half a second before it explodes. Then all at once, it imploded. A sucking force, like a vacuum, dragged me inside of that white circle. No sooner had that happened then I saw the opening close, and I was lost to the world. From then on I was falling, or at least I felt like I was. 

I was freaking out. Of course, who doesn't freak out when they feel like they are falling to their doom? This was really bad for me at that moment, but what came next made it all the worse.

 Disclaimer: I own only three of these characters in the book. That's Sadie, the jerk-face (you'll meet him later), and Fate (you'll also meet later). The rest belong to Christopher Paolini, the author of one of my favorite book series ever! 

A.N. I hope you enjoy this book, after all, I am basing most of the things off actual events in the book. I also want you to know that this is the first book I've ever actually written and put out there for people to criticize. So it might be a little rough. 

Feel free to leave as many comments as you like, I really enjoy reading them!! If there is something that needs to be fixed that's bothering you really bad, leave it in a comment and I'll fix it as soon as I can. 

Thanks :D

your favorite red dog

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