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Drowsy. Like someone had tried to drug me, but failed. And so they knocked me out with a hammer instead. That's how I felt. Of course my back ached, that was a given. My head was hanging down by my chest. I slowly brought it up and opened my eyes. I was in this weird room. All gray brick. There was a really small window on one of the four walls; that was the only source of light. The room was very long. I was parallel to the wall with the door. One door, one exit. It was actually a pretty boring room, now that I think about it....

Then I noticed that my arms and legs were chained to the wall. Lovely. I was eagle spread, my back against the wall. It was really uncomfortable. A human is a 3-D circular object (of sorts), and trying to make it press flat against a flat object isn't going to work. That's what these captors of mine were trying to make me do. Not cool!! Not to mention I was being held to the wall by handcuffs that were on my hands and feet. Great. Those were pretty heavy too. They had locks on them the size of my hands. My explanation of that was that medieval people didn't know how to make SMALL locks yet. I was also pretty high above the ground; like 6 feet above the ground!! That's taller than I am!!! 

I needed to talk to the person in charge, immediately!! I was NOT going to be brought somewhere against my will, forced to be chained to a wall, and then not to anything about it!! So I did the only thing I could think of to get someone's attention. I started talking. When I get bored or upset, I start talking and YOU CAN NOT get me to stop. I have been told by my mother and my grandmother that I will talk your ear off. And I don't doubt it either. I just hadn't used that power..... until NOW. 

"Hello. Hello. HELLO!!! Is anyone there!? Anyone at all!? I need to get off of this wall, NOW!! My arms are numb. NUMB I tell you!! And my legs are CRAMPED!! Have you ever hand your arms NUMB and your legs CRAMPED at the same time? It really sucks!! Besides, who are you to chain me to this wall!! I didn't do anything to you!!! Why am I even chained up here anyway!? I don't see a cause-able reason why I should be up here!! And you should be ashamed at what you're...." 

This continued for several hours. I had to stop after a while because my power is limited and I had had no water for a long time. So my throat was insanely sore. But if I was my friend, Snow, I would have been able to talk faster than a chipmunk on coffee and longer than the rule of the Roman empire. Her power IS unlimited. She is ULTIMATE talker!!! Her superhero name: SUPERSPEECH!! She will explain all Batman facts known to man and Sherlock complications in less than 5 minutes!!! And so, I stopped, but only for about 5 minutes before they came through the door. 

The door opened and a bunch of dudes, all dressed in black armor and chain-mail, marched through the door in rows of two. Each of them carried a torch. They lined the walls in a protective barrier from..... something? The last two guards brought in a large wooden chair and placed it exactly in the bulls-eye center of the room. Then they joined the others. That's when a guy in a mask a black leather walked in the door. He stood to the right of the chair (my left). He had a red sword. That gave it away. Then a Ian walked through the door with a smug little grin on his face. He stood to the left of the chair (my right). Then the last dude came in. He was dressed richly with a crown on his head. He had one of those Jafar goatees and mustaches that symbolized evil people in all books. I mean, it's almost in every book!! Aladin, Hunger Games, 13th Reality, Ranger's Apprentice, Inkheart, and obviously Eragon had it too. He sat in the chair. 

I didn't start the conversation. I was too busy glaring at Ian. We were having a staring contest. I felt a great deal of satisfaction when Ian looked away because the evil guy talked to him. "Ian. What are you doing?" Ian looks away, "Nothing my lord."

"YES!!!!!!!! I AM VICTORIOUS!!!!!!!! CHAINED TO THE WALL, AND STILL THE CHAMPION!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs. Everyone looks at me weird. I just laugh, "HAHAHA!!!!!" I might have gone a little insane do to lack of water. It echoed back, and I noticed that it was a little creepy. 

Sucked Away: EragonWhere stories live. Discover now