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Okay so I wanted to do a rant/thought book for a while now :') I have too much shit in my brain that I need to write down

First off, I'm not writing this story to offend anyone, or to call someone out on something they are doing wrong. I just want to point out some things I noticed from my sixteen years on Earth and share some random opinions I usually don't talk about. And that's what this book is. A collection of pure opinions and feelings.

On a second note, I don't want any arguments or any hateful comments. However, I'm open to hearing what you have to say, whether you agree with me or not. I believe that everyone has different thoughts and I'm fine with that. I just really hate fights. 

 Also, if you guys want me to talk about something in particular, you can let me know in the comments and I'll write about it. We can even have a discussion :)

So please enjoy; when you're bored or on the toilet or something and you need something to read. Lol

-Kate xx

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