Rosi Tagged Me

53 4 11

Tagged by rosiclers :))))

1. Who's your ultimate bias wrecker?

Park Jimin, that nasty little rat.

2. Do you have a favorite dank meme?

Currently it's the Linda VS ISIS meme, but I'm also loving 'the same video of Dog of Wisdom everyday' which is not a meme but iamonlyhalfasian understands

3. Vanilla or Chocolate?

Vanilla maybe? Depends on the situation :')

4. What does "LOL" mean to you?

It means Lollipop Orangutan Lardbutt.

5. Hottest idol?

It's obviously got to be whoever is my icon. My opinion will change every phase so ask me again in a year ;)

6. The last song you danced to?

RUN- Bts (while trying to imitate the jacket-shrug on the floor of my living room)

7. GD or TOP?

HOW DARE YOU ROSI? I refuse to answer this question.

8. What's your greatest obsession?


9. Favorite book and/or movie?

This always changes too so I have no idea what to say.

10. Do you watch kdramas? If so, which one is your favorite one?

Yes, Omfg. My love from the star, hands down. And ROSI wanted recommendations apparently, so watch Cheese In the Trap with me, it's hella good so far. Oh, and I really loved Reply 1997/Pinocchio.

11. Do you love Rosi or nah?

Of course I do <3

Apparently we make our own questions so here are mine:

1. Would you rather turn into a hippo every time you sneeze or grow hair from your ear every time you yawn?

2. Do you have a pet?

3. What's the weirdest dream you ever had?

4. Favourite flavour of ice cream?

5. Current obsessions?

6. Is Kate the bae?

7. If you could have one wish, what would it be? (No wishing for more wishes)

8. How many times do you fart in a day?

9. What time do you go to sleep?

10. Where do you live? (The last two questions are crucial because I'll know when to come to your house to watch you sleep.)

The questions will be in the comments so you can copy and paste.

Guys guys dedicate your tag to me if you do it so I can see that you love me

Tagging - uhh_okay iamonlyhalfasian ZZUTTER rollLIKEaKYUNGSOOx2 YouKnowIt17 rosiclers (lol idk how this works, I know you did it already) Jongin- dehipola and -haIsey- mwahahaha

you don't have to do it if you don't want to!

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