Arzaylea, Bryana & Fandom Drama

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The fandom right now is literally split into two opinions.

1. I love Bryana and I hate Arzaylea

2. Stop thinking that Arzaylea is a bitch just because she's dating Luke. "AS LONG AS THE BOYS ARE HAPPY, I'M HAPPY". Plus!! You only worship Bryana because Arzaylea came along.

Allright my little friends.

I've got to admit, when Bryana first came along, I didn't exactly like her. I thought she was sketchy and I wished Ashton would at least admit that they were dating and maybe it would be less sketchy ??

But eventually, in indirect ways, he talked about their relationship, and I realized that he probably just wanted to keep it low key. I respected that because I wouldn't want my girlfriend be ambushed by the paparazzi either. No problem. So I was like, whatever. This drama is behind me.

And then Arzaylea came along.

So then I was like: Yeaaaaah, tbh, this Bryana girl?? I prefer her over Arzaylea. And then people started to tell me that I only like Bryana just because Arzaylea came along. I was like: oooookayy?

There's some truth in that accusation, but not in the way that they thought. Because after Arzaylea came along, I realized that Ashton wasn't the one with the sketchy girlfriend, it was Luke.

And no, this is not a chapter where I try to 'expose' Arzaylea for the million exes she cheated on/ for pressuring Luke to drink/ for fucking like 47282 people.

Here are just some things I noticed.

I stopped thinking Bryana was sketchy because at least Ashton was publicly affectionate with her, which probably meant they really cared about each other and did date for a while. And no, not the type of 'public affection' that Arzaylea showed Luke at the atl concert lmao. Ashton kept on the down low, you can tell. They weren't one of those couples you saw in highschool posting selfies of them eating each other's faces or tagging each other in every single Tumblr themed couple photo with a cheesy quote like "I can't afford to lose you" or "You are my everything". It was a fling, it was cute, it was over.

On the other hand, when rumours broke out about Arzaylea, watching her sneak around with pride and partying and kissing Luke, I was like 'who u???' And then I was like: no man, they can not be dating. They're sleeping with each other. They're pleasing their honkies. That's what I think happened.

Bryana, in my perspective, came to Ashton's shows and kept quiet and modest about her relationship with him. She was even nice to the fans, taking pictures with them and everything. And I'm big on that whole modesty thing. So I started disliking Arzaylea then, when she posted pictures of Luke and made indirect, public statements about their relationship. It's obvious Luke doesn't want to be caught with a girl in public, and she knows that. Wut u doing, girl, trying to get yourself ambushed? Please let Luke explain it to the fans first, like Bryana did smh.

I dislike her, and that's it. I wish people would be more chill about these things. For example I think we need to hold back on the comments here. I'm not gonna go around and tell everyone that Arzaylea is a horrible girlfriend. Nor will I tell Bryana haters that she's absolutely amazing and "AS LONG AS THE BOYS ARE HAPPY I'M HAPPY". And I don't want to hear Arzaylea fans tell me that Arzaylea is absolutely amazing and "AS LONG AS THE BOYS ARE HAPPY I'M HAPPY". That's great, we don't always have to like the same person. I don't think Arzaylea is a slut or a horrible person. Despite some of the people who literally did a background search on her and said she's only dating Luke because of the money or something?? (Okay, those rumours are a little immature. Who what when and where did you get that information and how do you know it's true and why should we get involved? Idk) These rumours are just rumours, and I think we need to stop trying to find different things to hate about her. If you're one of those people who doesn't like her because you think she's a bad person, that's fine. That's ok. No one should get angry at you for disliking someone. But it's not fair for you to display it so publicly, especially in front of her fans, you know what I mean?

But ya know, you do you. If that's the way you cope with the Luke news, then have fun.

Aight, My conclusion: These rumours are just rumours. Let's leave Arzaylea and Luke alone. It will blow over in like 2 months anyway. Stay strong, 5sosfam.

-Sincerely, a Luke girl

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