Rolling Stones Article

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Jesus Christ, I can't hold it in anymore.
I wanted to keep this to myself until I could form a proper opinion and I promised myself I would stay out of the drama but I just went on Twitter and say the #5sosisdeadparty and the fact that Michael is the only one who defended what he said in the article.

This is my opinion.

The things they said in the article had some truth to it. Not all, not exactly, but we all know of the fact that they party a lot, and let's face it, they sleep with girls. What I don't believe is the fact that Luke would've said that in public, so blandly, so boldly as if he didn't care that it was an interview and he wasn't watching what he said. But from what I heard, Rolling Stones has done this to Coldplay before and are known to twist someone's words around and publish lies. So no, I'm not going to believe what they said in the article. Secondly I'm not shocked by what Ashton said about not wanting the band to be for girls, because I believe he's said that before. He wants to be a band, a big band like the Foo Fighters, where everyone enjoys their music. It's not just screaming fangirls and teenagers who are attracted to the band members. I would feel the same, tbh. If I started out in the music industry to make music, I don't just want to be popular because I am a hot young male. I want everyone to enjoy my music blindly.

And here's one thing I noticed while reading. If the author wanted to talk about details in 5sos's personal lives, aka their girlfriends, why didn't he include Bryana?

Because Bryana doesn't cause drama.

The fandom likes Bryana, and hates Arzaylea. This was intentional. He even mentioned the fact that the fandom would say nasty things about her and added irrelevant facts about her and details that she and Luke held hands while talking, blah blah. This is just like any other article who is trying to 'reveal' Luke and Arzaylea's relationship. I've seen many hoax articles talking about them and I've gone numb to it. And I'm not believing any of it unless Luke says it himself. If he hadn't personally revealed the fact that they are dating (I mean let's face it, we all know they're dating but we have yet to hear it from him.) aka in a direct quote like Ashton had done, the magazine had probably spun it around to make more drama. It's all to catch our eye. Anyway, my point isn't about their relationship. My point is that the author intentionally spoke about Arzaylea to gain more readership, and in more than one ways, focused on Luke the whole way through the article. After all, it was Luke who was targeted most.

Second of all, the Harmonizers are pissing me off. At a time like this, why are they merging with our fandom? I've never understood why our fandoms clash all the time. This situation was already stressful enough. I keep refreshing Luke's Twitter if he would say anything. Nothing. Or even Ashton's, since I expected him to say something.

And then Michael sends a small tweet to Justin Bieber about his album, and at first I was glad but then I realized that means he's read the article and it's as if he's deliberately ignoring the other parts of the magazine. Hopefully I'm wrong and he's only addressing the parts said about him, so the rest will come along and do the same. If they ever will.

I'm disappointed and pissed off, but I'm not getting involved in the social media aspects of tweeting the Harmonizers or debating the truth with other 5sos fans. This chapter is the only action I'll be taking to talk about it. Because it's a thought book.

So yes I'm disappointed, but not sad because I went through that phase already. I blindly thought 5sos was an innocent cookie cutter band when I first joined the fandom, and then seeing Calum's snapchat (aka the first real drama) and learning what groupies were and seeing all these photos I was literally grieving. I realized that they have sex with girls and they drink and they're not the typical band I thought they were. I already told you, I'm a nun. I unintentionally look down on people (such as Arzaylea, I guess) when they thoughtlessly throw their bodies around and get shit-drunk or high at parties. I'm not saying the boys do this and I should definitely work on that but that's not the point. I already got over the fact that the band 'gets around', and that's why the article hasn't come to too much of a shock to me.

The real shock is the fact that Luke had said those things in public, or the fact that his words were twisted to say so.

I don't believe he, or his manager would ever allow him to say that in a magazine. They still have public images.

So I hope this blows over soon and no, I'm not leaving the fandom and nor will I involve myself in more of the drama that is happening right now. I'm going to hope that they address all this and it will blow over. On the other hand I'll be busying myself with other things, and I'll still be writing regularly.

Thanks for listening/reading

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