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Links POV

Rhett and I had climbed all the way up the shore. And once we reached the top, an army of goblins and destroyers waited for us. We was so scared that we threw ourselves down to the shore again and hid in a small cave. It was pitch black in there.

" Link? Are you okay buddy? " Rhett asked.

" Yeah, I'm fine. But what are we supposed to do now? "

" I wish Mickey was here. She'd know what we need to do. "

I heard a small sound of something landing in the sand outside. I peaked my head out and saw Mickey sitting in the sand rubbing her hip.

" Mickey? Are you okay? " I whispered.

She turned her head towards me.

" Link? Is that you? " She asked.

I stepped out of the cave and looked her in the eyes. They were covered in a thick white haze.

" Can you see me? " I asked.

She just shook her head.

" No. I'm blind Link. "

It made my jaw drop, Mickey was blind. It scared me, and I actually saw how weak she was.

" Come on up. Me and Rhett'll take care of you. You've taken care of us. " I said and lift her up. " You're with us now, you're safe. "

Rhetts POV

Link picked Mickey up and carried her all the way back to the cave. And put her down next to me. She turned her head towards me, and I hugged her.

" I've missed you so bad. And I'm glad you're here. But what about the others? Are they still stuck in the castle? " Link asked and hugged her too.

Mickey shook her head.

" No, they're on their way down. Rupert had let them go. He knows they're to worried about you to do anything against him, he's clever you know. "

I sighed of alleviation, Jessie was safe. Locke was safe, Shepard was safe. Link did the same thing I think. Mickey laid down.

" I don't know why I'm back here. I can't help you. I'm to weak to even stand up on my own. " She said.

Link looked at me and I looked back. I think we both thought of the same thing. Link asked me to talk in private.

" You know what I'm thinking about, right? " He said.

" I do. "

" Good, then let's put out engineering skill to the max. "

" All we have to do is make something sturdy enough to carry her on our backs and it'll be okay. " I said.

Link looked at me.

" Are you sure your back can handle that? " He asked.

" It has too. It's either that or leaving Mickey behind, and I refused to do so. "

Mickey had fallen asleep, so we left her were she was and walked deeper into the cave. We looked for thing to build our "Emergency Mickey-carrying backpack" . We carefully listened after goblins inside and if there were any on the surface right above us. Night was here, so they probably didn't care much to look for us. They'd probably being again in the morning.

Me and Link worked all night on the backpack, making sure it was sturdy and comfortable. And early in the morning, probably around 4 am, it was done. We were at this point so tired that we could barely move. We both fell to ground and Link instantly fell asleep. I looked around me one last time to make sure there weren't any goblins around. And when I realized there weren't I fell asleep too.

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