Chapter 17: Come Home Please

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Tommy and pop finished training and came inside. For some reason, I got scared, got up and ran to my room. My anxiety was getting worse and worse and the pills aren't helping  anymore. I grabbed some of the Oxycotin from my bag that I had from a party I went to a few weeks ago. It helped calm me down. I slowly felt myself become more calm.

Brendan and Tommy came in my room. "So are you gonna tell us what's going on with you?" Tommy asked, more harsh then he probably meant to be. "I'm fine, don't uh, don't worry about me, okay?" I reply, I probably took to many pills. I felt a little more relaxed then usual. I layed there silently. They both just stared at me and didn't say anything.

I curled up and just started to cry. Everything was to overwhelming now and I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle the beatings and the shit at school. Brendan and Tommy both came over to me and hugged my tight. They were all I had. We stayed like that for a while before they got up, "You're gonna sleep in our room, okay?" Brendan said softly. I nodded and wiped my tears. I felt so shitty and I just didn't want to be in this fucking house any longer.

Pop was drunk again and Tommy and Brendan were out doing whatever they do when I'm not with them. I layed in my bed and Ma and Pop were yelling again. I heard him coming up the stairs and soon he busts into my room and starts yelling at me. I'm sitting here shaking and he starts hitting me. A lot harder then he's ever done to me before. Ma comes in and stops him and forces him out of the room. I heard her yelling at him and him yelling back until there was silence. I layed there, stiff and scared. I wanted my brothers to come home, I needed them to come home.

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