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Chapter 19

My patience is always short-lived and I felt my stomach is already growling. Also, something urged me to go downstairs.

When I came downstairs, I didn't expect to see my mom in her home office, surrounded by a bunch of papers and a laptop, looking outside while talking on the phone. The door is half-open. I didn't really meant to listen because it is obviously wrong to listen on other's phone talks but I wanted to see my mom even her back. Yes, I really did miss her—that much. She was so close yet so far.

"Thank you so much, dear. So, see you tomorrow then?" She nodded. I have no idea who she was talking to. I'm not interested. Period. She owes the person a lot whom she's talking to—I was sure of it. You can't caught my mom saying 'thank you' that pretty quick. She's an egoistic at the same egotistic.

She slumped on the black swivel chair, but upon hearing the door swung a bit, she spun around. I rushed, not thinking where to go. I took few steps away and unexpectedly bumped to one of our maids. I was dazed, hearing glasses cracked and other utensils dropped on the floor. Pieces of glass, other eating utensils, and water were scattered. I put my hands up in surrender.

"Young lady, I'm so sorry," she said, picking up pieces of glasses and putting it all back on the serving tray.

"It's okay. No worries," I said to make her at ease. "I'll help you." I lowered my knees to level to her and picked the scattered glasses in one spot.

"It's fine, young lady. I can do it," she refused but I seemed so hard-headed. I may be an heiress but all I wanted is to help. Who cares?

"Young lady, let them pick it all up," a butler said, then two maids joined us in.

"It's okay." I continued picking up.

"We have maids to clean everything," he insisted.

"I'm fine with it. And it's my fault. I don't want anybody else to clean up my own mess." My voice became higher. The butler insisting me to stop picking up glasses joined us in. As if he had a choice. At the back of my mind, I played with my thoughts. Who do you think is the boss?

A moment later, one maid brought a broom and a pan, the other one brought a vacuum cleaner. And all of a sudden, all of them stood and left what they're doing.

"Good afternoon, madame," they greeted with a curtsy.

They left me behind, alone with my selfish mother. All I can say, she's coming closer when I heard gentle steps coming. Every steps of her I felt like a knife stabs me at the back. The pain was getting much worse every time I heard her steps. The lump on my throat was getting bigger but I managed to stop a tear fell from my eye.

"Mitch?" Her voice begging and vast.

Memories fades but never lost, mom. I feigned like I didn't heard her voice. I stood and recomposed myself.

"Mitch Pauleen!" she screamed, grabbing my wrist.

The moment was totally unexpected.

She took one step to clasp me at the back. There, I stood doing nothing but to let wave of tears freely flowing down my cheeks. I didn't have the courage free myself from the embrace. Part of me wants it but the other part, hates it. I wanted her to feel the pang of pain—longing for my presence and forgiveness.

"Please." It's really hard to breathe but I managed to speak.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I know that we don't deserve forgiveness but your dad and I did it for your own sake. Soon enough, you will understand why we did it. For now, the only thing you must know is that we love you. I love you, Mitch—my princess. My love for you is like nothing else in this world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down ruthlessly all that stands in its path. We love you so much. If I have to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breathe to say to you that I love you," she said in between her sobs, her voice stifling over my shoulders.

We were both crying in rhythm and breathing in unison. Today was the day that it wasn't just myself came out from the prison cell but also my entire being—my heart and my soul. Everything was so surreal because all happened at once.

"I can't reach for anything new if my hands are still full of yesterday's junk. It may not change the past, but it does enlarge our future. I'm sorry too, mom." Another wave of tears rolled down. "Thanks for that because I became strong. The weak can never forgive. I'm not weak. And I love you, too."

I turned slowly to face her. I just can't. She reached out, smoothed her hands on my face and the moment urged me to wrap my arms around her tightly. One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug someone you love, and then they hug you back even tighter. That was the hug that all my broken pieces stuck back together.

"I thought you were on a business trip?" I managed to speak over her shoulders.

"Yes, I am but I can't forgive myself if I miss the arrival of my princess. Above all that, my king is already awake," she responded over my shoulders and wrapped her arms to me even tighter. "Aren't we gonna take our time with your dad, later?"

"Of course. Of course." I scrunched up my face.

Just like the old times, mom and I spent our afternoon in our garden, we talked about the good times and what happened to me the past few years while eating. Our garden is always my favorite part.

Looking at my mom, I can never get over how she looks exactly like me as if I'm looking at a mirror—except a little older and a few more streaks of grey in her hair. Her signature white dresses gave her an elegant look that's why everyone loves her fashion statement. Of course, she's one of America's Top Model before.

When we came to visit dad, every part of me seems so fulfilled. Mom and I sat on both edges of dad's bed. She was brushing her hands on his hair. The best thing I do was to smile and held dad's hand. You can picture a perfect family, happy and contented for what they had. Of course, who might not be contented of a multi-million dollar automobile company?

In just all of a sudden, it grazed into my mind that Jodie and I haven't talked yet. This was the first time in my life that have been ignored by Jodie on a phone call for several times. I attempted again while mom was also busy talking on her phone and dad just closed his eyes to sleep. I was hoping that Jodie will answer.

"Oh c'mon, Jo. Please pick up." Her phone was ringing for the rest of eternity. I stomped my foot like a little toddler. Mom eyed me suspiciously. She's on the verge of asking me if who I'm calling to.

I placed my phone back on the table. I realized that maybe Jodie took her time to be with her family then I sank on the couch and turned on the television. There, latest breaking news in U.S. came into view.

Russian plane crash, was there an explosion? Tropical cyclone dumping years' worth of rain on war torn Yemen in one day. Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot.

I thought about all the news I heard for a second.

If we really think about it, life is not all about the good times—it's all about facing our biggest fears. No doubt, life is beautiful and every moment – a celebration of being alive, but one should be always ready to face adversity and challenges. Difficulties test the courage, patience, perseverance and true character of a human being. Adversity and hardships make a person strong and ready to face the challenges of life with equability. There is no doubt that there can be no gain without pain. It is only when one toils and sweats it out that success is nourished and sustained.

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