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Chapter 30

People were already situated on their seats and some of them were shouting the names of NASCAR drivers they are fan of. I can hear it from my tent. Some are in the Sprint Fan Zone for an autograph signing. I put on my gloves and took my helmet from the table when last few packs of them left after I signed different merchandise. Then, Marcus came.

"Just tell me you no longer love him that it was just a kiss, and I will forget everything like it never happened." He tried to make his voice light. I just stared at him and his face fell. "I can't afford to lose you, love. You no longer love him, right?"

Oh, our word of endearment. Love.

"Love is not enough for two people to stay together. You know what they say, if it's meant to be, it will be? Maybe, we're not meant to be." The words just went out, which I really didn't mean it. But I have to.

Marcus started to talk, his voice ragged. He spreads his arms helplessly. "As they say, why let the wind or destiny or something else you can't see, do all the work? If you love her, go after her. Don't wait for the wind to blow her back to your direction. It's just some vague force that doesn't show. Pull her back. As long as you can, don't give up, don't let go. Sorry. I love you." He exploded. "What happened?!"

"I never knew it wasn't that easy to forget Tyler but it's as easy to forget you. I realized that I still love him. He was there before you." My eyesight went fuzzy with tears.

He looks pained. "Was love sweeter the second time around?" He laughed sarcastically and stepped closer. "How could I believe you if the truth is right in front of me? You aren't telling the truth, Mitch! And that's bullshit!"

"I don't love you anymore. Clear as the sky. What's unclear about that?"

He sucked in his breath. His eyes got small; so was his mouth. Is that what I really wanted? "Could you tell me why? Explain to me what I did wrong—what did I do wrong? I just woke up without you by my side. You're just gone for about two days. Is that it?"

"If I tell you why, would that change anything? I just made a choice, Marc."

"And choice for breaking my heart."

"One day, you'll just wake up forgetting me like how you'd wake up when you say to yourself that you love me. You can drink every night or cry. It's all up to you. You can pick any girl, bang the first girl that comes along. Just like the old days when Pia left you. Or find a new love." I walked, my eyes filled with tears as I step. I held it for long that's why it erupted too hard.

Marcus' still talking, but I don't hear anything more that comes out of his mouth.

I didn't look back, not once.

I am already full-geared. I climbed in my car, fastened the seatbelt, and the head and neck restraint. All drivers were ready to partake a roll start as well as cars were already on the pit road. "Drivers, start your engines!" An announcement from the grand marshal surrounded the speedway. Different names were shouted by the crowd.

Engines ran, and after three minutes, we headed for a three pace laps. Every car jolted when the flagman dropped down the green flag, shifting positions.

I have always loved the thrill of speed.

It makes me feel numb.

I pressed on the gas at the thought and race ahead along the race track with more speed.

When I race, all I picture is just me, the road ahead, and my family. But now, it's really a different thing—Marc is already in the picture. The feeling of being in the car and racing against the wind was the one that had make me fall in love with him.

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