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26th of March, 2005 (or so Daddy tells me)

Gallifrey is gone, for good. Daddy's told me that we can never go back, and we can only keep going forward. I've never been off of Gallifrey, never been away from Mummy before. I don't like being alone, either. Daddy's been off saving Earth again, while I'm still trying to get used to living on the TARDIS. We didn't have this much room back in the estate on Gallifrey.

It's still so hard to believe it's gone . . .

Daddy says that we'll be staying in 2005 for a while, as he's trying to track down an alien signal. I think he said something about a consciousness or something? Plastic. It was definitely plastic.

I just hope that he finds someone else soon so that I can finally start to see what he does. I want to help him save people. I want to help, just like he and Mummy did.

- Annakamara


Now do you see where the diary part comes in? ;)

Unfortunately, we will not get Annakamara during "Rose," but good news! This series, just like "The Bad Wolf Chronicles," will have interludes in between every adventure, because interactions on the TARDIS are extremely important in this story.

I'm starting on "Rose" right now!

Bad Wolf (Entry One of The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady)Where stories live. Discover now