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Yes, you read the title correctly - that does say bananas. I may be able to write, but I suck at interlude titles. But hey, bananas are involved, and "Wilf's Wiggle" sets the tone.

Why the hell not? YOLO for me!


It didn't take long for Rose to get her things settled in her room. She changed out of her old clothes and messed with her hair slightly, then went to the kitchen to work out what she could have before the next adventure. She opened up the fridge and chewed on her lip, looking over what was inside. "Freezer," she mumbled, looking around. "Where's the freezer . . . aha!"

She looked around inside, grinning when she found a tub of ice cream, then paused. She looked over at the fridge, remembering what she had seen inside. She grinned, forming an idea, then pulled out the ice cream tub and set it down on the table. "All right," she cracked her knuckles, walking over to the counter. "Where are the bananas?"

"Bananas?" Anna poked her head in suddenly.

"Whoa!" Rose spun around, eyes wide. "Oh, Anna," she sighed. "You scared me."

"Sorry," Anna hurried in. "You're looking for bananas?"

"I am," Rose nodded. "Found the ice cream, and there's something I need in the fridge, but no bananas anywhere."

"Oh," Anna sighed. "Hang on." She was out the door in a flash. "Daddy! Where're the bananas?" Rose paused, blinking. The Doctor has all the bananas? Sure enough, moments later, Anna came running back with a bunch of bananas in her arms. "Here we are."

"Why does the Doctor have the bananas?" she folded her arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Bananas are good!" the Doctor walked in behind Anna, leaning in the doorway. "What do you need them for?"

"Well, I'm not going to butcher them," Rose rolled her eyes. "You want a sundae?"

The Doctor thought for a moment. "Don't see why not. Sure, thanks."

Anna looked back and forth between them, confused. "Why would you want to have a day of the week?"

Rose stared at Anna, then frowned at the Doctor. "She's never had - ?"

"Spare me the question when you know the answer," the Doctor sighed.

"Right," Rose shook her head, opening the fridge. "Sorry. Have you got any of those tub-like dishes?" she asked, gesturing with her hands to show the shape while scanning the inside.

"Mara, bottom cupboard, on the left," the Doctor pointed.

Anna ducked down to get them, and Rose came back out with the bottle of chocolate syrup she had found. She dug around through the other cupboards, then grinned. "Gotcha!" she pulled out a sprinkles shaker, looking at the rainbow sprinkles inside. "Oh, this is brilliant."

"Here," Anna came back up with the sundae dishes.

"Great," Rose smiled. "Right, then, six bananas, if you can."

Anna blinked. "Six?"

"I'm not eating them all," Rose promised. "Shut it," she glared at the Doctor when he snorted. "For that, you're getting the scoop." The Doctor rolled his eyes, but mockingly bowed and went to do as she said. "Now, put two bananas on each side of the dish," Rose guided Anna. "I'm assuming you know how to peel these, considering your father's fascination with them?"

"Oi!" the Doctor whined, even as Anna grinned and nodded.

"Good," Rose smiled at Anna. "Peel the bananas, two to a dish. And since I imagine when we're done we'll be heading on another adventure," she raised an eyebrow at the Doctor, who nodded. "We'll just stick to two scoops. This, Anna, is what we call banana splits."

Anna blinked, then looked down at the dishes, and her eyes lit up in understanding. "The ice cream goes between the bananas, splitting them?"

"Good!" Rose praised her with a wide grin, opening the ice cream tub. "Vanilla's my personal favorite, since then you just add whatever you want on top of it and it doesn't spoil the flavor."

"You seem to be teaching my daughter a lot about food," the Doctor noted.

"Well, you Time Lords might survive longer than a human might without food, but frankly, I think it's important," Rose smirked. "Besides, who doesn't like food?"

"Not a lot of toppings," the Doctor warned Anna. "If you're anything like your mother, you've got quite a sweet tooth."

Rose shot a look at the Doctor, but quickly turned back to her own sundae. She'd never heard the Doctor give something away so freely about Anna's mother . . . who she still didn't know the name of. "Who doesn't have a sweet tooth?" she asked as she headed over to the table.

"Fair enough," the Doctor admitted, joining her a moment later with Anna.

"Banana split," Anna murmured, still eyeing her sundae while Rose dug right in. "How did they come up with the name? Who makes these names?"

Rose paused, looking at the Doctor. He just grinned at her. "You're the teacher, Miss Rose."

She gave him a nasty look, but he just grinned wider. "I've got no clue," she told Anna. "I s'pose someone just came up with it."

"Huh," Anna said thoughtfully before starting to eat.

Rose rolled her eyes and pointed her spoon at the Doctor. "That's what I get for you not taking her for ice cream sooner."

"You've seen what my life's like," the Doctor shrugged. "Not exactly the kind of life you take your daughter on."

"Well, you're not alone anymore, and you've got me," Rose reminded him. "Face it, Doctor. Holding things off doesn't make everything better. You take care of what you need to do. I can look after Anna."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow and looked over at Anna, but she was too engrossed in eating to listen. He leaned forward to Rose, his blue eyes darkened to navy. "I'll hold you to that, Rose," he warned. "I don't forget that sort of promise."

Rose met his gaze readily. "Neither do I."

A few hours later, the Doctor would come to realize just how serious Rose had been.


And boy, does he learn . . . "Dalek" is up next, after all, with a small little twist at the end . . . and if there's anyone who's read the end of "Last of the Time Lords" for "The Creators Saga," you lot already know what it is. ;)

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