Picking Up The Pieces

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And here we get the teaser from the beginning of "TDTTL" in my sneak peek book. :) Enjoy!



The Doctor looked up from his tea, seeing Anna standing shyly in the door. "Kara," he put down his tea immediately. "Do you need something?"

"Rose usually comes by to say good night," Anna sat down in the chair next to him. "She hasn't come by yet."

"She's exhausted," the Doctor told her. "Understandably, too. She might've just gone right to sleep."

Anna fidgeted. "I checked her room," she said quietly. "She wasn't there."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "You knocked, I hope?"

"'Course I did," Anna blinked at him. "Why wouldn't I?"

The Doctor frowned thoughtfully. "Go on back to bed," he told her. "I'll see if I can find her."

"OK," Anna nodded, going back.

The Doctor watched her go, then stood and thought over where he could think Rose would be. Maybe somewhere he knew she was thinking of working with Anna . . .

He stopped abruptly, nodding. He knew where she was.


Jackie had given her pictures of her father in a picture book. Rose sat cross-legged on the couch, flipping through the pages, sniffing and occasionally rubbing her cheeks furiously. To see pictures of her father, then to see him in real life . . . it was something that excited her and terrified her. She had never planned on saving him, she really hadn't, but she had, and then to have screwed up so horribly . . .

Her thoughts were stopped when she saw a mug of tea be put in front of her on the table. "I see you've found the library," the Doctor said as he straightened.

"It's huge," Rose looked up and around, at anywhere but him. "How many floors are there?"

"You know, I've never counted," the Doctor tilted his head, looking up and around.

"Shame," Rose mumbled, looking back down at her pictures.

The Doctor sat down next to her, not too close, seeing who she was looking at. "Did your mother give you these?"

"Yeah," Rose sniffed. "I loved hearing stories about him. Mum always painted a wonderful picture of him. It wasn't all perfect, but to me, he was. I saw them arguing . . . " She ducked her head. "I didn't like seeing them like that."

"No one likes seeing parents argue," the Doctor shook his head.

Rose looked at him. "Did you and the Regent?"

"We had our arguments," he shrugged. "Everyone does. We just made sure it wasn't in front of anyone."


When Rose didn't say anything else, the Doctor looked at her. "Mara's worried about you."


"You usually drop in on her. You didn't."

"Why does someone always have to die?" Rose asked abruptly, slamming her book closed. The Doctor jumped, surprised, as the girl started ranting. "I saved my dad from dying, but then everyone else did! The entire world, everyone except all of us in the church." He wasn't expecting her to turn and punch him in the arm, hard. "And then you! You had to jump in front of one of those things and die, didn't you?"

"Better me than any of you!" the Doctor glared at her. "Why do you think I did it?"

"I don't know!" she fell back, tears in her eyes. "I had my father, but Anna lost hers . . . it wasn't worth it! I've had to live my entire life without a father. She only has you left. No mother, no home planet, just . . . just you," she trailed off, sniffing.

The Doctor frowned. "Get to your point, Rose."

"It's just . . . because of me, she nearly lost that, for good." She looked ready to punch him again. "And you scared her senseless!"

"Rose, your point!" he snapped, touchy about the fact that he had nearly left his daughter on her own.

"Don't do that again!" Rose finally choked it out before she was crying again. "She couldn't live without you. She tried to be so strong, but . . . " She scrubbed her tears off her face. "And I'm sorry," she finished. "I really am. Drop me off at home if you want to. I'll accept that. Just don't let her down again."

"I won't," the Doctor nodded, smiling slightly when he saw Rose sigh in relief. Apparently that had been a bigger burden on her than he had thought it would be. "And Rose?"

"Mmm?" she looked at him.

He smirked. "You're not going anywhere any time soon except with us."

Her eyes brightened, and she squealed, hugging him tightly. Caught off guard, the Doctor had just enough time to set his mug of tea down before hugging her back. "Thank you!" she grinned. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

"'S not like I can just get rid of you, anyway," the Doctor chuckled, patting her on the back. "I'd never hear the end of it from my daughter. Feel better?"

"Much," Rose nodded, picking up her book and mug. "Thanks for the tea. I'll go tell her good night."

"Night," the Doctor offered.

"Night," Rose smiled, heading out of the library.

The Doctor watched her go, then looked back at the fire crackling away. "You're not going anywhere," he repeated to himself.

No, he was definitely not letting Rose go. He was starting to question if he wanted her to stay just for Anna, though.


And so it begins. :) I love these two, and Anna just makes them even better. :') Oh, yeah. I'll be crying by "The Parting of the Ways" for sure.

And now it's time to begin "Screeching To A Halt!" Onto "Asylum of the Daleks!"

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