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Cutest. OC. Ever. I swear to God, she is the cutest I will ever make. I was giggling while I was writing this, she's so adorable. :) Thank you so much to girlwhowaited1110 for encouraging me to come up with her!

Rose finally meets the OC of the diaries, Annakamara! :D Tell me what you think of it all in the comments!


"Right," the Doctor rubbed his hands together, turning to Rose. "One last thing, before we head off. "And, ah . . . it's a big one."

"OK," Rose blinked, but nodded. "What is it?"

The Doctor took a deep breath. "I've got someone else onboard."

Rose blinked again, but nodded. "OK." She hadn't really expected that, but then again, she'd only just met the alien. "Who is it?"

So far, so good. "Easier if you meet her," the Doctor gestured for her to follow. "I just don't want you to change your mind."

"Gonna take a bad surprise to change my mind," Rose countered as she ran after him down the hall. "Come on, Doctor, what is it?"

She nearly bumped into him when he stopped outside of a metal door. He gave her a look, then knocked on the door. "Mara?" he called. "You in there?"

"Yeah!" a small voice answered, and the Doctor watched Rose's reaction carefully. "I'm here!"

Rose's eyes widened at the voice, but they brightened as well, and she looked up at the Doctor, stunned. He winked at her, then opened the door. "Got someone for you to meet," he announced, then stopped in his tracks, then laughed. "What're you doing?"

"Translations," the little girl sitting cross-legged on the wooden table answered, bent over a few papers, one looking ancient, a fierce look of concentration on her face that looked absolutely adorable. "I'm still figuring this one - " She stopped, looking up, eyes wide in excitement. "You found someone?" she gasped.

Rose did as well, eyes full of delight. The Doctor grinned at her reaction. That had been exactly what he'd been hoping for. "Mara, this is Rose Tyler," he gestured to the blonde. "Rose, this is my daughter, Annakamara."

Rose's first impression of Annakamara was that the young girl was . . . there wasn't a level of cute or adorable to describe her. She looked about seven years old, with fair skin and wildly curly chestnut-colored hair that was barely tamed by a white headband. Her clothes were odd in choice, but they suited her. The girl was wearing a pumpkin orange dress with a neon pink sweater, neon green tights, and black witch's boots. "Hi," she offered shyly, waving and walking forward.

Annakamara's eyes couldn't have gotten any wider. "Hello!" she waved enthusiastically, before she turned to the Doctor. "She's coming with us?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes," the Doctor ruffled her hair, making the girl squeal. "Let me see what you've got so far."

Annakamara handed over her papers, the Doctor rifling through them, as she jumped off of the table and skipped up to Rose. "Rose, yes?" she tilted her head.

Rose smiled and sat down at the table. "That's me," she nodded. "Annakamara . . . " She looked over at the Doctor as he nodded slightly, reading through his daughter's writing. "You call her Mara, yeah?"

"Hmm?" he looked up, then nodded. "Yes, I do."

"Well, I won't steal your father's name for you," Rose smiled at Annakamara. "Does Anna work for you?"

"Mmhmm," she nodded eagerly, sitting down by Rose. "That's fine. Or Annakamara. I don't mind."

"I love her," Rose grinned at the Doctor. "And you thought I wouldn't?"

"I worried about what you'd think of her coming with us," the Doctor admitted, setting the papers down on the table. "I've been stubborn about not letting her come."

"It's just been work," Anna pouted, and Rose had to put a hand over her mouth to avoid laughing hysterically. "He's gone all over, and I'm stuck inside, waiting to go . . . out . . . why are you laughing?"

Rose finally giggled hysterically. "I'm sorry," she managed to get out. "But you . . . why did you think I wouldn't want to stay?" she finally laughed, Anna's confused expression matching her father's perfectly. "I love her!"

"Fantastic," the Doctor grinned. "What do you think, Mara? Ready for your first adventure?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed, jumping out of her chair.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow to Rose. "Rose?"

"I'm not going to keep her waiting," Rose smiled, winking at Anna.

The Doctor grinned. "Then what are we waiting for?"

"Race you!" Anna called to Rose before sprinting off.

"Oi!" Rose laughed, but chased after her. "How can you run in those boots?"

The Doctor paused, watching them go, before shaking his head in amusement. He really had been worried about how Rose would react to Anna, as she had now nicknamed her. He knew Anna would love her immediately . . . actually, he was pretty certain she'd love anyone he would have brought onboard just because she could go on adventures now.

But Rose . . . Rose was taken by Anna as well, he could see it. That was all the better.

"Oi!" he shouted after the two girls, running after them.

And they would probably be a handful, but that was all right. If Anna was happy, so was he, and he knew she was very happy with having Rose Tyler onboard.


Is she not adorable? :) That picture of her above is pretty much the epitome of Annakamara. Bit confused, bit adorable . . . very cute.

I think she and Rose will get along quite well, don't you think? ;)

Quick description of her, so you all know. Annakamara is still on her first regeneration, and has the appearance of a seven-year-old girl. She has wildly curly hair held back by a white headband, and she has eyes Rose often describes as the color of brown sugar. She wears a pumpkin orange dress with a neon pink sweater, neon green tights, and black witch's boots. She is portrayed by Madison Pettis, and her theme is "Heart of Courage" by Two Steps From Hell.

Since I just started this book, I'll be knocking "The End of the World" off before I get back to writing "Age of Ultron." So, hopefully you all will be seeing this trio again very soon!

Bad Wolf (Entry One of The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady)Where stories live. Discover now