The Doctor Dances

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Man, it's been busy getting back into the swing of school. :/ Sorry this took so long!

Anyway . . . Jack starts looking out for Anna, too, and she shares her father's love of bananas quite obviously. ;)

Enjoy "The Doctor Dances!"


Anna was on the verge of a panic attack when a wild idea came to the Doctor's mind. "Go to your room," he ordered the patients, trying hard to sound firm. Rose's eyes widened when the patients all stood stock still. "Go to your room," the Doctor repeated, encouraged, sounding firmer. "I mean. I'm very, very angry with you. I am very, very cross. Go to your room!"

Rose watched, stunned, as everyone hung their heads, seeming shamed, and returned to their beds. As soon as they were done, Anna bolted to the Doctor, and the Doctor hugged her tightly. "That was scary," she whimpered.

"Yes, it was," the Doctor agreed, hoisting her up and kissing the top of her head, ignoring Jack's gaping at them, Rose smirking at having something against the con man. "And I'm really glad that worked." He smirked at his daughter. "Those would have been terrible last words."

Anna giggled, and he grinned triumphantly. That cheered her up.

Jack finally appeared to get his voice back. "Who's this?"

"His daughter," Rose smirked. "This is Annakamara. As you can see, we're a bit protective of her."

"A bit?" Jack couldn't help but joke.

The Doctor gave him a nasty glare, even as Anna giggled again. "Watch it."

"Nice to meet you," Jack nodded at Anna. "I'd offer a handshake or a hug, but it looks like your father isn't anxious to let go."

The Doctor snorted and rolled his eyes, but set Anna down on the floor. She skipped up to Jack and offered a hand. "Rose just calls me Anna."

"Well, then, very nice to meet you, Anna," Jack winked, shaking her hand.

"Why are they all wearing gasmasks?" Rose asked, finally turning back to the crisis at hand.

"They're not," Anna said simply.

"She's right," Jack nodded. "Those masks are flesh and bone."

"How was your con supposed to work?" the Doctor asked Jack.

"Simple enough, really," he shrugged. "Find some harmless piece of space junk, let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth, convince him it's valuable, name a price. When he's put fifty percent up front, oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for, never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money, and we discuss dumb luck. The perfect self-cleaning con."

"Yeah," the Doctor drawled sarcastically. "Perfect."

Anna giggled as Jack nodded as if he hadn't spoken. "The London Blitz is perfect for self-cleaners. Pompeii's nice if you want to make a vacation of it though, but you've got to set your alarm for volcano day." He paused, finally seeing the glare the Doctor was giving him. " . . . getting a hint of disapproval."

"Take a look around you," the Doctor gestured. "This is what your harmless piece of space junk did."

"It was a burnt-out medical transporter!" Jack protested. "It was empty!"

"Rose?" the Doctor beckoned with his finger, heading for the door.

"Are we getting out of here?" Rose asked, looking around at the patients nervously as Anna skipped to her father's side.

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