Bad Wolf

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If some of you didn't read the last interlude, I would - some things in there will explain quite a few actions in this chapter.

The group's in the games, but who goes where? Enjoy "Bad Wolf!"


The Doctor fell out of a spinning cupboard and groaned, then let out a sharp yelp when something else landed on top of him. "OW!"

"What was that?" Rose's slurred voice asked. "What happened?"

"Oh, my God, I don't believe it!" a girl's voice shouted, and the two looked up to see a blonde girl with pigtails run over to help them. "Why'd they put you in there? They never said you were coming!"

"I didn't know we were coming," Rose mumbled, rubbing her head and wincing. "Ow . . . "

"What happened?" the Doctor asked himself, frowning. "We were - "

"Careful now," the girl warned, catching him when he nearly pitched forward, then reached out to do the same to Rose. "Oh! Oh, mind yourselves! Oh, that's the transmat. It scrambles your head. I was sick for days. All right? So, what're your names, then, sweetheart?"

"The Doctor," he answered. "I think . . . "

"I'm Rose," Rose offered. "Rose Tyler. What happened? How - ?"

"You got chosen," the blonde girl answered.

"Chosen for what?"

"You're a housemate. You're in the house. Isn't that brilliant?"

"That's not fair!" a young man by the TV with a stylized eye on it complained. "We've got eviction in five minutes! I've been here for all nine weeks. I've followed the rules. I haven't had a single warning, and then they come swanning in!"

"If they keep changing the rules, I'm going to protest, I am," a dark-skinned young woman in pink added. "You watch me, I'm going to paint the walls!"

"Would the Doctor and Rose please come to the Diary Room?" The Doctor and Rose looked at each other, then the Doctor headed through a door that had opened, Rose following slowly. They sat in the chairs in the center of the room, then the voice came again. "You are live on Channel 44,000. Please, do not swear."

"What?!" Rose's jaw dropped.

"You have got to be kidding!" the Doctor groaned at the same time.


"Come on, girlie, wake up."

"What?" Anna mumbled to herself, shaking her head and looking around. She gasped when she didn't recognize her surroundings, attempting to sit up, but instantly whimpered, clutching her head. "What happened?"

"It's all right," a dark-skinned man told her, patting her shoulder, looking surprised. "It's the transmat. Does your head in. Get a bit of amnesia. What's your name?"

"Anna," she answered, rubbing her head. "But . . . " She looked around. "Where's my dad?"

"Just remember, do what the android says," the man advised her. "Don't provoke it. The android's word is law."

"Android?" Anna blinked. "A phone's word is law?"

"Positions, everyone!" a woman with a headset called. "Thank you!"

"Come on, hurry up," the black man helped Anna get to her feet. "Steady, steady."

"I was traveling, with my dad, Rose, and Jack," Anna tried to remember. "Daddy wouldn't leave me!"

"That's enough chat," the woman added. "Positions! Final call! Good luck!"

"But I'm not supposed to be here!" Anna wailed. Of that, she was certain.

Bad Wolf (Entry One of The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady)Where stories live. Discover now