The Parting of the Ways

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Let's just say, shavingforsherl0ck, you'll understand THAT topic more here. :)

Enjoy the finale, all!


"We've got incoming!" Jack warned from where he was watching the scanner.

"Rose, that lever, there," the Doctor pointed.

She flipped it, and the TARDIS shuddered, but didn't do much else. "The extrapolator's working!" Jack whooped. "We've got a fully functional forcefield. Try saying that when you're drunk!"

"Why would I say that when I'm drunk?" Anna asked in confusion.

Jack sighed in annoyance, but Rose just giggled. "And for my next trick," the Doctor pulled the next lever.

Anna shrieked when as they materialized, a Dalek appeared inside the TARDIS as well. "Anna!" Rose screamed, running for her.

"Get down!" the Doctor shouted as Jack brought up his massive gun. "Both of you, get down!"

"Exterminate!" the Dalek shouted.

Rose yanked Anna down and away as the Dalek fired and missed. Jack didn't, and soon the Dalek was just a smoking heap. "Oh, thank God," Rose sighed in relief, hugging Anna tightly.

"That was lucky," Jack looked at his gun. "That was just a one shot wonder. Drained the gun of all its power supply. Now it's just a piece of junk."

The Doctor was quiet as he walked forward to examine the remains of the Dalek. "You said they were extinct," Rose told him. "How come they're still alive?"

"One minute they're the greatest threat in the universe," Jack said. "The next minute, they vanished out of time and space."

"They went off to fight a bigger war," the Doctor said darkly.

"The Time War," Anna whispered.

"I thought that was just a legend!" Jack's eyes widened.

"I was there," the Doctor shook his head. "The war between the Daleks and the Time Lords with the whole of creation at stake. Our people were destroyed, but they took the Daleks with them. I almost thought it was worth it." He shook his head angrily. "Now it turns out they died for nothing."

Rose clutched Anna closer. She knew what the unspoken words were - the Regent had died for nothing. And as much as that tugged at her heart, she knew that was what the Doctor was thinking. His precious daughter's mother had died for nothing. "There's thousands of them now," she whispered. "We could hardly stop one. What're we going to do?"

The Doctor stood up. "No good stood round here chin wagging. Human race, you'd gossip all day. The Daleks have got the answers. Let's go and meet the neighbors."

"Don't you let go for anything," Rose warned Anna, taking her hand and following the Doctor outside, Jack bringing up the rear.

"Exterminate!" the Daleks all chorused as they exited. "Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Several shots were fired, but the forcefield around the TARDIS blocked them all. "Is that it?" the Doctor taunted. "Useless! Nul points!" He turned. "It's all right, come on out. That forcefield can hold back anything."

"Almost anything," Jack corrected.

"Was he supposed to say that?" Anna wondered.

"No," the Doctor glared.

"Sorry," Jack gulped, hanging his head slightly.

"Do you know what they call me in the ancient legends of the Dalek Homeworld?" the Doctor looked around, narrowing his eyes as Rose held Anna protectively to her. "The Oncoming Storm. You might've removed all your emotions, but I reckon right down deep in your DNA, there's one little spark left, and that's fear. Doesn't it just burn when you face me?" He smirked. "So. Tell me. How did you survive the Time War?"

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