
4.9K 144 216

And finally, we hear from the girl of the hour. :)


200,100 (or 2006 . . . I'm not sure)

So I have a new Daddy now . . . that's weird to say. But the father I've known died, and now I have a new one. Well, not a new one, just . . .

I don't know how to say it. But I know he's still the Doctor. I know he's still my father. Rose, on the other hand . . .

Well, she's taking it interestingly. Daddy's working on convincing her right now that he's still the Doctor. He said a moment ago, he was going to try and get us back to her home for Christmas.

. . . And now he's going insane. Oh, no. Now I get what Mum said about how Daddy always got . . . weird after regeneration. I should probably go help.




To be continued in . . . "Torchwood!"

I plan on posting the book tonight so you all can add it to your libraries, and I hope I can write "The Christmas Invasion" before we get out. Keep an eye on my profile, and you'll know!

See you soon, all!

 ~ WB039

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