The Christmas Carols

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Rose gets her TARDIS room and teaches Anna about Christmas carols. Not an abundance, but the lyrics are in italics.


"The TARDIS should be able to give you a room," the Doctor told Rose as Anna raced off to change clothes. "When you find it, just imagine what you want. She should give it to you."

"Thanks," Rose smiled, walking down the hall.

It didn't take her long to find her room. The TARDIS had made her a TARDIS blue door with a dark pink rose carved into it. "Thank you," she laid her hand on the door before remembering what the Doctor had said. She chewed on her lip slightly. Whatever she wanted? She could think of loads of things that she would want, but the necessities would do. She closed her eyes, thinking about what she needed. She could have sworn the TARDIS hummed under her hand, and then the door opened by itself.

Surprised, she stepped inside, and gasped as she looked around. The TARDIS had given her the queen-size bed she'd requested, along with the vanity and bedside table, but it was as if the TARDIS had pulled a color scheme out of her head. The walls were a light pink, not over the top, gold circular patterns in a language she couldn't read swirling near the ceiling. The ceiling itself looked like a reflection of the night sky, including a few of her favorite constellations. The bedspread was diamond white with beaded vine patterns, and a door to the side led to a master bathroom. Stunned speechless, she checked the other side of the room to see she had a huge walk-in closet, ready to be filled with clothes. "Wow," she finally managed to say. The design was simple, and yet the TARDIS had exceeded her expectations. "Thanks," she looked up at the ceiling.

The TARDIS did hum that time, and Rose smiled, finding the clothes she'd worn before, quickly changing into them. "Er . . . " She looked around for her mobile, then looked at the bedside table. "CD player?" she asked hesitantly. "Christmas carols CD?"

They appeared on the bedside table, and Rose smiled, taking them. "Thanks!" she told the TARDIS, exiting her room and heading down the hall, looking for Anna's room.

It actually didn't take long to find it. It was the one door in the hall that was open, and Rose could hear her humming to herself. She stopped before she entered, raising her hand to knock on the door. "Anna?" she called. "It's Rose. Can I come in?"

"Yeah!" she replied.

Rose stepped inside Anna's room and gasped, looking around, eyes wide. The carpet under her feet was deep red, the walls sponge painted in silver leaf patterns. The ceiling was a burnt orange color, occasionally reflecting off the walls. "This is beautiful!" she looked around.

"Gallifrey," Anna told her from where she was sitting on the bed, wearing fuzzy pajamas.

"What?" Rose asked, looking around for a place to plug in the CD player.

"Our home planet," Anna answered. "It's called Gallifrey."

"It looks beautiful," Rose smiled. "There we go." She opened up the CD case and ran her gaze down the song options. "Good, they have it," she smiled in relief, taking the CD out.

"How many are there?" Anna asked, tilting her head.

"Oh, God," Rose wracked her brain. "I've got no clue, sweetheart. Carols, hymns, you name it, everyone probably disagrees. "But first, remember that carol we heard in Cardiff?"

"Mmmhmm," Anna nodded.

"Luckily, we have the tune and the lyrics in here," Rose checked the inside cover. "Remember what it was called?"

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