Boom Town

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This was pretty fun to write. Nine, Rose, and Jack are utter perfection. Add in Anna . . . no words for how awesome it is. :)

Margaret reappears, the Doctor is definitely a dad, and Rose and Mickey chew each other out. Here's "Boom Town!"


Next to no one noticed the blue police public call box sitting in front of the huge water tower in Roald Dahl Plass, so everyone in the TARDIS looked up when they heard a knock on the door. Jack immediately jumped up to answer it and leaned out the door. "Who the hell are you?" he asked.

"What do you mean, who the hell am I?" a familiar voice sputtered, making Anna giggle and Rose shake her head fondly, the Doctor rolling his eyes from where he was working on a ladder. "Who the hell are you?"

"Captain Jack Harkness," he answered promptly. "Whatever you're selling, we're not buying."

"Get out of my way!" Mickey spat, pushing past him.

Jack snorted. "Don't tell me, this must be Mickey!"

"Here comes trouble!" the Doctor grinned as Anna waved enthusiastically from where she sat on the bottom of the ladder, watching her father work. "How're you doing, Ricky boy?"

"It's Mickey!" Mickey glared at him.

"Don't listen to him," Rose advised, walking up to him with a grin. "He's winding you up."

"You look fantastic," Mickey complimented her, giving her a huge hug.

Anna fidgeted, once again not entirely sure why she was suddenly so uncomfortable with Rose around Mickey. The Doctor just gave them a quick look, then turned his attention back to what he was fixing. Jack, on the other hand, cooed at them. "Aww, sweet. Look at these two!" He looked up at the Doctor. "How come I never get any of that?"

"Buy me a drink first," the Doctor answered.

Jack sighed dramatically. "You're such hard work."

"But worth it," the Doctor grinned cheekily.

"I'll do it for free," Anna offered.

Jack laughed. "C'mere, then, sweetheart."

Rose smiled fondly as Anna ran to hug Jack, the man picking her up and setting her on his hip. "Did you manage to find it?" she asked Mickey.

"There you go," Mickey rummaged in his bag and handed her passport over.

"I can go anywhere now," Rose said smugly.

"I told you, you don't need a passport!" the Doctor stared at her.

"It's all very well going to Platform One and Justicia and the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon, but what if we end up in Brazil?" Rose questioned. "I might need it. You see, I'm prepared for anything."

"Sounds like you're staying, then," Mickey remarked.

That got him looks from everyone. "Why wouldn't she be staying?" Anna asked in confusion.

"Mara," the Doctor gave her a warning look.

"What?" she asked defensively. "I like Rose! I like her a lot!"

"Well," Rose preened, tossing one of her braids behind her shoulder, even as Jack laughed.

Mickey cleared his throat. "So, what're you doing in Cardiff?" he asked. "And who the hell's Jumping Jack Flash? I mean, I don't mind you hanging out with Big Ears up there and his daughter the Junior Witch of the West - "

"Oi!" the Doctor protested.

"I'm not a witch!" Anna pouted. "Not that one!"

"Look in the mirror," Mickey glared, but it was more directed towards the Doctor than Anna. He wasn't stupid - he noticed when Rose gave him a glare of her own and moved protectively to block Anna from his view. He wasn't going to insult her again, not with Rose defending her like that. "But this guy . . . I don't know, he's kind of - "

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