World War Three

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Well, my heart was broken by the last Doctor Who episode. That will more than likely be fixed.

I needed to write this. Anna is still the comic relief. ;)

Here's "World War Three!"


The Doctor gritted his teeth, then yanked his ID card off and shakily stood. "Deadly to humans, maybe," he said before shoving the card onto the Slitheen's collar. Electricity enveloped it and Green, and the Doctor took the opportunity to run out. "Oi!" he shouted when he made it into the entrance hall. "If you want aliens, you've got them. They're inside Downing Street. Come on!"

He clapped his hands, and the police ran after him.


When electricity covered the green alien in the Cabinet Room, Rose wrapped an arm around Anna and ran out, Harriet following them. "No, wait!" Harriet called. "They're still in there! The emergency protocols, we need them!"

The alien burst through the door, and the trio ran off quickly.


The Doctor ran back into the briefing room to see the Slitheen had suited back up as General Asquith. "Where have you been?" Green blundered. "I called for help! I sounded the alarm! There was this lightning, this kind of, er . . . electricity, and they all collapsed!"

One of the policemen bent down to check everyone. "I think they're all dead."

"That's what I'm saying," Green nodded furiously, pointing at the Doctor. "He did it! That man, there!"

"I think you will find the Prime Minister is an alien in disguise," the Doctor said, then winced when everyone looked at him dubiously. "That's never going to work, is it?"


"Fair enough," he shrugged, running out the door.

He made it halfway across the entrance hall when the rest of the armed police approached. "Under the jurisdiction of the Emergency Protocols, I authorize you to execute this man!" Asquith shouted.

"Well, now, yes, you see," the Doctor grinned nervously as everyone aimed their guns at him. "The things is, if I was you, if I was going to execute someone by backing them against the wall, between you and me, little word of advice - "


"Don't stand them against the lift!" the Doctor grinned and hurried back inside.


Rose barged into the sitting room nearby, looking around. "Hide," she ordered, ducking behind the cabinet.

Anna quickly squeezed inside one of the gaps between the couch and the wall, and Harriet hid behind the screen. "Oh, such fun!" Margaret the Slitheen said as she entered. "Little human children, where are you? Sweet little humeykins, come to me! Let me kiss you better, kiss you with my big, green lips!"

When Margaret turned her back, Rose quickly ran behind the curtains. "My brothers," Margaret greeted then.

"Happy hunting?" one of them asked.

"It's wonderful. The more you prolong it, the more they stink."

"Sweat and fear."

"I can smell an old girl. Stale bird and brittle bones."

"A little young girl, a whining puppy running back to her parents."

"And a ripe youngster, all hormones and adrenalin. Fresh enough to bend before she snaps!"

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