Woman Wept

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Seriously, Jack is like the cool uncle. All I have to say. :P


"Get down!"

Rose yelped and ducked behind cover, narrowly dodging the projectile headed right at her. Jack plopped down next to her a moment later, taking deep breaths. "OK," he held up a finger. "You go left," he pointed. "They won't expect you going that way. If I go on the other side, we'll be able to get them."

"OK," Rose nodded, taking a deep breath. "We can do this."

"Right," Jack braced himself. "Go!"

Rose scrambled around -

And yelped when she was nailed in the face with a snowball. "I win!" Anna cheered.

A similar shout from the other side said Jack had gotten hit as well. "That's cheating!" Jack shouted.

"Superior Time Lord biology!" the Doctor laughed as he emerged from where he'd been hiding, Anna hopping up from the ditch she'd made. "We heard you two."

"I love snowball fights," Anna grinned.

"That's your lesson for the day," Rose kissed the top of her head. "I can't believe you've never had one before," she glared at the Doctor.

"Yes, yes, I know," the Doctor sighed, rolling his eyes even as Jack snickered and brushed off his gloves, hoisting Anna onto his back for a piggyback. "Go to the library, see Star Trek, introduce her to Chinese food, get her to a shopping mall - "

"You're kidding," Jack said in disbelief.

"Shut it," the Doctor huffed even as Rose nodded, grinning.

"I know," Rose said as the same time.

"Anyway," the Doctor gave her a pointed look as Anna giggled. "Woman Wept," he gestured around. "Wonderful planet, waves frozen, entire planet winter."

"I like it," Rose grinned. "Even though you two still cheated."

"Excuse me!" the Doctor folded his arms and glared at her, even as Jack whispered in Anna's ear. She nodded, and as the two others bickered, the man and the girl scurried off. "We did not cheat! All we did was use what we had and what was around us."

"You are two aliens that are more . . . " Rose tried to find a word that wouldn't boost his ego any more. "Efficient," she finished, though it wasn't the best word.

"Efficient?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow. Rose was about to make a comeback -

She screamed when she felt snow get dumped down her back, and the Doctor yelped as well. The two of them turned to see Anna giggling hysterically and backing away, Jack pointing at them as he laughed. "Your faces!" he managed to say as Anna nearly fell over, she was laughing so hard.

"Oi!" the Doctor shouted, though he was smiling when he saw his daughter fall into the snow. "Don't be a bad influence on my daughter, Captain!"

"Actually, I have something to teach her now," Jack declared, pulling Anna to her feet before she could say anything. "So you two find something to keep yourselves busy with."

"It better not be how to drink!" the Doctor shouted as he tugged her off.

"It's not!" Jack crossed his heart. "That's all you, Doc."

"Oh, it is?" he rolled his eyes. "Fantastic."

"He won't hurt her," Rose said with certainty. "No one could."

"I hope not," the Doctor mumbled, glaring in the direction of where Jack was taking Anna.

"He won't."


"First thing you do," Jack turned to Anna, then fell back onto his back. "Fall back like this."

"OK," Anna shrugged and flopped back, giggling as she fell in the snow.

"There you go," Jack grinned. "Then just fan your arms and legs back and forth." He demonstrated. "Like this."

Anna grinned and followed his lead. "This is fun."

"And you're done!" Jack sat up and placed his feet outside the shape, standing up, then picking Anna up and showing her the shapes they made in the snow. "Now, tell me, what do these look like?"

Anna tilted her head, looking, then brightened. "Angels!" she cheered.

"Annie girl, that's a snow angel you made," Jack grinned.

"They're pretty," Anna beamed.

"Well, you're gorgeous," Jack shrugged, giving her a piggyback back the way they came. "It only makes sense."

Anna just giggled, to see the Doctor and Rose were still talking. "That was quick," the Doctor raised an eyebrow. "And why are you both covered in snow?"

"We made angels!" Anna cheered as Jack grinned and put her down.

"You did?" Rose's eyes lit up. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"You didn't," Jack shrugged. "I just thought it was something she'd like."

"Looks like she did," the Doctor batted snow off her shoulder, making her giggle. "All right, we need to make a fuel stop before we go anywhere else."

"So where do we go for that?" Jack asked as Rose dialed a number on her phone.

"Cardiff," the Doctor answered, frowning when he overheard who Rose was talking to. "We're going back to the Rift."

Anna tilted her head, confused, when she saw the Doctor give Rose that look. Honestly, what was wrong with Rose talking to Mickey?

She frowned even more. Actually, the more she thought about it . . . why did she not like that idea?


Not much, but hey - update! :D

Heading towards the last week of school, and I'm going to try to finish this book in not even two weeks. We'll see how it goes. ;)

See you when I update "Boom Town!"

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