The Unquiet Dead

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So, hopefully everyone can see this now. :/ I had wondered why this hadn't gotten as much hits as previous chapters. It turns out Wattpad does not like changing the visibility setting, apparently.  I could not change it to public view. Darn it. But that GIF and song cheered me up. :)

Now it's time to go to the past! Rose and Anna get their first trip to the past, and we get to see what happens! What changes, and what stays the same?

Enjoy "The Unquiet Dead!"


"Hold that one down!"

Rose frantically tried to hold onto the lever the Doctor wanted her to control, but when he asked her to stretch across the console to another button, she looked at him incredulously. "I'm holding this one down!"

"Well, hold them both down!"

Before Rose could swing up her leg to hit the button, Anna managed to find a decent grip on the console and press the button down. "Where are we going?" she asked excitedly.

"You've seen the future," the Doctor looked between them. "Let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound?"

"What happened in 1860?" Rose asked, confused.

"I don't know," the Doctor grinned. "Let's find out! Here we go!"

Rose held on tightly as the TARDIS jerked and shuddered, but then it all threw them suddenly, and then the TARDIS settled. Rose laughed hysterically from where she was lying on the floor, the two Time Lords laughing as well. "Blimey!"

"You're telling me!" the Doctor stood up, helping Anna to her feet. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah," Anna nodded.

"I think so," Rose checked herself over. "Nothing broken. Did we make it? Where are we?"

The Doctor checked the scanner, then grinned. "I did it! Give the man a medal. Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860."

"It's Christmas?" Anna gasped in delight.

"All yours," the Doctor smiled, leaning against the console.

"But, it's like . . . think about it, though!" Rose's eyes widened. "Christmas, 1860. Happens once, just once and it's gone. It's finished. It'll never happen again . . . except for you two. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still."

"Not a bad life," the Doctor shrugged.

"Better with three," Rose grinned. "Come on, then!"

"Hey!" the Doctor shouted as she ran for the door. "Where do you think you're going?"

Rose gave him an incredulous look. "1860."

"Go out there dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarella."

Anna frowned, confused at the nasty look Rose gave the Doctor. "What's Barbarella?"

"Later," the Doctor shook his head. "There's a wardrobe through there," he pointed down a hall. "First left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left." Rose blinked, confused, but the Doctor just waved her on. "Hurry up!"

"I'll show you," Anna bounced up to Rose, holding out her hand. "Come on."

Rose smiled and took her hand, letting the girl lead her down the hall, the Doctor smiling after them.


"1860," Rose mused as she looked through appropriate dresses to wear. "Wonder what happened then . . . " She looked back to see Anna looking through a different drawer, looking for different colors of tights. "Are you going to find something to wear?"

Bad Wolf (Entry One of The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady)Where stories live. Discover now