Sour Topics

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This is when I like "Apocalypse Rising" and I do occasional interludes: I do then when they're not forced. Oh, well. Inspiration strikes in the end.

Title could be better, though. *shrugs* Enjoy!


The Doctor snorted later as he looked over the current predicament in the kitchen. "I suppose I should have warned you. Anna does not have a sour tooth."

"I don't think anyone does," Rose admitted while making a mental note to never make lemonade again. "Well, at least she knows."

"Now I do," Anna mumbled, currently gulping down her third glass of ice water in the last ten minutes.

"Well, then, Miss Tyler," the Doctor smirked at the name, even as Rose gave him a glare, "what do you want to show my daughter next?"

"Hmm," Rose sat down with her own glass of lemonade, thinking. "Not a food this time, I think . . . " Her eyes lit up suddenly. "You've got a library here, yeah?"

"Yes," the Doctor nodded, frowning. "Why?"

"Before we went off last time, I went on a run to the library in our block," Rose explained. "They'll need to be turned back in. I can take Anna with me and show her the library there. If any catches her eye, I'll get it."

"Not a bad idea," the Doctor admitted.

"Yay!" Anna grinned at her father, who smiled back at her.

Rose watched with an unreadable expression before standing up and heading for the lemonade pitcher. "I'll just put this in the fridge," she said. "Fancy a glass, Doctor?"

"Nah," the Doctor shook his head, frowning. He had sensed her sudden mood shift. "Mara, why don't you catch a bit of sleep before we head off again."

"OK," she nodded, not seeming to notice anything was wrong as she jumped from her chair and went out of the kitchen.

"All right, Rose," the Doctor leaned against the wall, watching as Rose shut the fridge with a bit more force than necessary. "Where do you want to go?"

Rose was quiet for a moment before she answered. "Peter Alan Tyler," she said. "My dad. The most wonderful man in the world, born 15th September, 1954, died 7th of November, 1987, the day Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clarke got married. He was always having adventures. That's what Mum always says." She took a deep breath. "So, I was thinking, could we . . . could we go and see my dad when he was still alive?"

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. He'd known Jackie was the only person living in the Tyler flat. He'd just never thought to ask what happened to Rose's father. "Where's this coming from all of a sudden?"

Rose looked out the way Anna had gone. "I lost my dad," she whispered. "Anna lost her mum. I know what it's like, missing a parent, but Anna knew who she lost. I don't remember a thing about my dad. If it goes against the laws of time or something, that's all right - "

"No, I can do anything," the Doctor shook his head, understanding now. "I'm just more worried about you."

Rose nodded firmly. "I want to see him."

"Your wish is my command," the Doctor nodded, straightening, "but be careful what you wish for. We'll go . . . after you sleep, too."

Rose smiled. "Thank you, Doctor."

The Doctor nodded, watching her leave, before sighing. "What am I getting into?" he muttered, heading for the console room.


Nothing good. That's all I'll say.

But I think some of you will be surprised by what happens next chapter. ;) "Father's Day" will be up soon!

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