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Finally, we get things rolling! As I said, no Anna in this chapter, but it's setting up why she isn't, and how the Doctor considers Rose as a possible companion.

And anyone who has read my stories knows how much I love comments. :) Please give me some and tell me how I do? This is my third time writing "Rose," after "Jessie" for TBWC and "Rose" for AR. Hopefully I'm still just as good, if not better.

Let's get started! Here's "Rose!"



Jackie Tyler smiled to herself when she heard her daughter's alarm cut off. Not even ten minutes later, a blonde girl nineteen years old ran into the kitchen and picked up her bag. "Bye," Rose Tyler kissed her on the cheek.

"See you later!" Jackie called as Rose left the flat.


"This is a customer announcement. The store will be closing in five minutes. Thank you."

Rose took her bag again and headed with the other store workers to the front doors, but a security guard waved a plastic bag in front of her nose. "Oi!"

Rose gave him a look, then sighed and took the bag, heading for the back elevators. She pressed the button for the basement, then stepped out. "Wilson?" she called. "Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson, are you there?" She walked up to his office door, knocking on it. "I can't hang about 'cos they're closing the shop. Wilson!" Still no answer. "Oh, come on," she grumbled.

She turned around when she heard a noise down the corridor. "Hello?" she called, heading down it. "Hello, Wilson? It's Rose. Hello? Wilson?"

When she reached the end of the corridor, she opened the door to the store room and flipped on the lights. She looked around the boxes and racks of clothes, dressed up mannequins waiting to be moved to the top of the building. "Wilson?" she called, searching down the hall. "Wilson?"

The door slammed shut behind her suddenly, and Rose ran back, trying to open it again. "You're kidding me!" she grumbled when she found it locked behind her. She heard rustling in the back, and she scowled, turning back around. "Is that someone mucking about?" she demanded. "Who is it?"

She froze, however, when she saw one of the mannequins actually turn to look at her, then move towards her. "Yeah, you got me," she swallowed. "Very funny." Other mannequins started moving, and Rose backed up. "Right, I've got the joke," she said, panicking. "Whose idea was this? Is it Derek's? Is it? Derek, is this you?"

Rose's back hit the wall, and she gasped, turning away and closing her eyes as the lead mannequin raised its arm -

A hand snaked around her wrist, and Rose gasped again, looking behind her. She met the grey blue eyes of the man that had grabbed her wrist, and he grinned at her, tugging on her slightly. "Run!"

Rose didn't argue. She took off after him, barely keeping up and keeping away from the mannequins following them. The man pulled them both into a lift, and Rose's eyes widened when the first mannequin put its arm in between the closing doors. The man simply grabbed the arm and tugged, finally pulling it off, and the lift doors closed all the way. Rose worked moisture into her mouth, then finally managed to speak. "You . . . pulled his arm off."

"Yep," the man confirmed, tossing it to her. "Plastic!"

Rose fumbled and caught it. "Very clever," she examined it. "Nice trick. Who were they then, students? Is this a student thing or what?"

"Why would they be students?" he asked.

"I don't know."

The man frowned and turned to her, considering. "Well, you said it. Why students?"

Bad Wolf (Entry One of The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady)Where stories live. Discover now