Chapter One

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I stood there in front of Dad, he was in utter shock from what I had said to him, I could easily tell this from his face, his jaw was hanging wide open and his eyes stretched far. I knew he was in shock, he thought what I said would never come up but it did and I wanted to know the truth.

My dad, Liam wasn't my real father, he just didn't know I knew that until today. I found out when I was thirteen, I overheard Mom and him talking about it, they said that they would tell me when I turned eighteen, I had been eighteen for eight months. I was just disappointed that they hadn't told me because I grew up thinking that this man in front of me was my father, I loved him very much. I looked up to him and went to him with my.

I was fed up of them lying to me, so I wanted the truth. The only I had with it all was that I looked a lot like him, we had the same eyes and similar build, we had the same noses too except mine had a little kink in it from where I had broken it when I was younger. I was pretty much the younger version of Dad. It was odd.

"Dad! Don't lie to me, I know I'm not your son. I never have been biologically anyway," I shouted at him as we stood in the kitchen. "You and Mom have been lying to me for years, I just want the truth now."

"Jack, I'll always be your father, even if we aren't biologically related," he told me truthfully. "But Jack you're my son in my heart, I love you like I love your sister, I have done since the first time you called me 'Daddy'."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded angrily.

"You're mother and I met when we were really young, I pretty much loved her straight away. Then I found out that she had you, do you know what you said to me the first time we met?" I shook my head no. "You called me 'Dada' and it broke me. Then shortly after I found out about Isla and there was no way I was your life. We became a family really quickly and soon enough you were calling me 'daddy' and I didn't want you to stop," he told me wholeheartedly.

"Why didn't you adopt me?" I asked him.

"I couldn't, I wanted to do it so much but I couldn't, I needed to get your real father's consent."

"What I don't get-" I paused. "Is why we look so much alike and yet we're not related."

"Jack that has confused me since the day Grandma said that you look so much like me as a baby," Dad sighed.

"Okay so I was thinking we could get paternity test done just to check to see if you are really not my father. Because if you're not then I would really like to find him but you've got to know that you'll always be my dad."

"Thank you, Jack. Okay let's do this." I walked closer to him and hugged him tighter than I have ever before.

I knew even if he wasn't my real dad he will always be my dad. He was the man that raised me to be the man I am today. "I'll set up an for as soon as possible."

"Thanks Dad. I'd better go and get Avery will be here soon."

"Look after her Jack. I know she's your best friend but you can still hurt her."

"I know Dad." I ran upstairs to my bedroom chucking my clothes in draws and moved books and notes that I'll probably never use again off my bed and onto my desk.

I changed out of my gym clothes just as I heard the doorbell ring.

I rushed downstairs with my t shirt in my hand. The door was wide open with Mom standing next to Avery chatting away with her, this wasn't unusual to see they were two peas in a pod.

Avery looked up at me and smiled; I watched as her eyes raked over me, this isn't the first time she's done this since we met when she was a freshman and I was a sophomore.

"Come in, babe," I called to her. I was the only one who's allowed to call her that but I've been calling her that since I first met her three years ago.

"I'm coming Jay," she smiled at me as she climbed the stairs towards me. I pulled her in for a tight hug and squeezed her tightly against me as I bury my face in her neck. I breathed in her beautiful scent of mixed fruits.

She pulled away from me after a few moments still smiling. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to my bedroom; I pushed her down onto my bed and climbed over her to sit on her other side against the wall. "So I finally told Dad about him being my dad," I told her.

"Cool. So how did that go? I know you've been worrying about it for a long while."

"It went surprisingly well. Dad decided that he wanted to take the paternity test, so everything should be sorted out in a little while."

"That's good. So anyway there was something I wanted to ask you."

"Sure ask ahead."

"I... I was wondering if..."

There was a sudden knock on my bedroom door. "Who is it?" I shouted.

"It's me, I need to talk to you, about me and Dad," Mom said through the door.

"Fine come in." a second later she walked through the door and joined us on the bed. "So what did you want to say?"

"I wanted to tell you about your Dad and me."

"Fine, tell me then."

She took a deep breath before she started speaking. "When I was seventeen I got pregnant with you, I'd met this guy at a night club and went home with him.

"When I told my mom I was pregnant she pretty much disowned me. I lived with her for three years before she kicked me out. I sort of lived with Freddy at Beach House with you.

"I met Dad there the first night we moved. We met at a club and I went home with him. Then I found out I was pregnant with Isla. Liam asked me to move in with him when I told him about Isla and found out about you. He asked me out a few weeks later and I fell hard for him. It didn't takes us long to get engage and then married.

"The rest of it you know. Our relationship moved so fast from our first meeting we barely knew what would happen the next day, it only slowed day when we married. We married within ten months of knowing each other. So what I'm saying is as long as you love someone it doesn't matter how fast you take your relationship you always end up together if you can fight through everything."


After Jack's mom left his bedroom we sat next to each other on the bed. It was nice hearing how his mom and dad met; Mom still hasn't told me how she met Dad. You would expect that by now, I'm almost eighteen.

"What were you going to say before Mom interrupted you?" Jack said turning to face me.

There were two things I was going to say, the first however would never happen he doesn't feel the same way about me as I feel for him, he probably never would, that was the with falling for your best friend.

But the second we've been planning it for years, so I start with the second. "So you know we been talking about having our road trip, I was thinking we could go next year. It's my last summer before and your longest summer, so we have time to explore the whole country."

"Yeah I think we should go next year. We should agree that whatever happens in the next year we have to go, even if we have the biggest falling out, you're always going to be my best friend."

"I agree. So where do we start first?"

We talk for the rest of the evening deciding the schedule for each place we visit. We talk for so long that I fall asleep cuddled against Jack, the place I feel safest.

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