Chapter Nine

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It had been eight weeks since I had first stayed the night at Liam’s, ever since I had spent most nights there. Liam said that he enjoyed having me in his home, and he wanted to get to know Jack and me properly, after all we would be family soon. His parents stayed for a week before leaving to go home, they weren’t home for long due to the fact that Lucy gave birth to her daughter Pippa. Pippa was a gorgeous baby she had mainly her mother’s features but it was easy to see her father in her too. Seeing Pippa made me want my baby even more.

“Riley?” Liam called from across the room, he walked closer to me where I was sitting at my desk. “I’ll take you home today?”

“Sure Liam, I wouldn’t be able to get home otherwise,” I laughed back. He had driven me to work this morning after dropping Jack off at the nursery.

“You want to stay at mine tonight?” he asked coming to sit down next to me. He perched on the chair I always kept next to my desk and rested his hands on my knees. He had the cheesiest smile on his face.

“Stop looking at me like that,” I complained slapping his hands off my knees, they didn’t move. I groaned an answer, “Fine I’ll stay.”

“Good,” he kissed my forehead. “See you later.” He got up and left the way he came.

Once he had disappeared I rested my hands on the slight bump of my stomach. “Your daddy is annoying baby, but he cares for us, I know he’ll look after you very well,” I whisper to the bump.

“Talking to yourself again?” A voice said from above me. I looked up and saw Lucy standing in front of me with Pippa. “I use to do that too when I was pregnant with this little one.” She smiled at Pippa. “I just check in at the nursery and Jack was playing with some of the kids. He seemed to be interested in one little girl, she could only be a few months younger but he was interested.”

I laughed, “That’s cute, but I’m worried about what he’s going to be like when he’s older, if he’s already interested in girls.”

“I think he’s going to be a lot like Liam,” she smiled taking the seat next to me. “I guess you could say that Liam has had a few girlfriends but I know that he’s slept around quite a lot.”

“Yeah I know.”

“But I know he hasn’t since he met you, you and this baby mean a lot to him, and he doesn’t want to screw up.”

“He won’t, he’s looked after us so much,” I told her.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We headed home to Liam’s house after work. In Liam’s house I had my own room which I shared with Jack, only once had we actually shared the same bed. Jack slept in the cot Liam had got but soon he would be too big and we’d have to get him his own bed or he’d have to share mine.

We walked into the house together and I headed to the kitchen straight away to make dinner. It became a habit, a few weeks ago when Liam asked me to make dinner while he had a shower, the next night I came over a few days later Liam went to the shops to get some popcorn and a movie so I started up dinner. I really wanted to kiss him that night.

Since that first night in his bed I had wanted to kiss him, I heard him that night telling Jack that he would be his father, I loved the pressure of his lips on his forehead when he kissed me. In the last eight weeks I had grown feelings for him, it might be because of the baby, it might be because of how he behaved with Jack and it might be because of the way treated.

As I threw vegetables into the frying pan I felt arms wrap around my waist. “That smells great baby,” Liam said resting his chin on my head. “Where did you learn to cook?”

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