Chapter Two

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Two weeks later Jack entered my bedroom with the biggest smile on his face. "Dad is my real dad!" he exclaimed happily. I rushed over to him and give him the biggest hug ever. I was so pleased for him, he had wanted Liam to be his father for as long as I had known him.

"How?" I ask a little confused as I twisted my dark hair around my index finger.

"He was Mom's one night stand," he said happily. "They were so shocked when they found out, Mom almost fainted. Isla is my full sister, I'm so lucky."

"I'm so happy for you Jack, now you know they are your parents a hundred percent," I squeezed him tightly. I never wanted him to let me go.

"So how is everything going with you?" he asked as we settled on my bed next to each other.

"Mitch broke up with me. He was my first boyfriend and he hurt me, he told me that he cheated on me. Sometimes I just wish I could give my whole heart to someone and they give theirs to me," I complained. I had been dating Mitch for three months but he wanted more from me but I didn't want to give it to him, I wasn't for him.

"I know babe," Jack kissed my forehead, I loved when he did things like that it made me believe that he might actually love me in a way that was more than friends.

"Jack, I want to give you all my firsts."

"What do you mean?" he asked confusingly.

"I want to give you my virginity; I know you'll never break my heart," I told him bluntly. I've been thinking about this for a long time, I've always wanted it with Jack, no one else even in the years before I knew him but I guess I never thought about it before him.

"Babe I can't do that for you. You should give it to someone who is special and who loves you and you love back," he caringly said as he wrapped his arms around my waist so I was sitting in front of him in between his legs.

"Jack you love me, you are my best friend and you're special to me. I want you to do this for me. Please."

"I do love you but I don't want to take something the man you're going to marry will want from you away." He knew I wanted to wait until marriage, it was a thing I always wanted but in the last few months, I realised that I didn't want to marry anyone except Jack. If only he knew.

"I'd rather give it to you knowing you couldn't break my heart because you've always been there. And I know I won't be your first but that doesn't matter to me because I know I'll feel better knowing you know something about what we're doing together."

"Baby I really don't want to do this to you."

"Please Jack. Need you to do this, I don't want anyone else to do this except you," I begged.

"I don't want this to change our relationship," he sighed.

"It won't," I promised. "Its only sex, it's not like we're going to get together after. We won't even talk about it after."

"Argh," Jack growled and took a deep breath. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Thank you!" I kiss his cheek lightly. "So where should we do it?"

"Um...I guess we could go to my parent's cabin for a weekend," he suggested.

"Cool lets go this weekend, we could say we're going camping or something. The 'rents will be cool with us going, it's not like they expect us to do anything."

"Right, I'll pick you up Friday night then."

"Okay, I'll see you then." I smile as he walks out of my room.


I had never told her about the other girls I had been with, there have been a few but with her I know it's going to be different, this is not some random girl this is my best friend we're talking about. We had been best friends for almost four years and I was leaving for college in the fall while she finished her senior year. I just hoped that she would be okay on her own, she didn't have many friends.

I loved Avery to death, she was an amazing girl after all. I really hoped the weekend away with each other wouldn't change anything between us. I didn't want to lose her.

"Hey Dad," I called downstairs from the top step of the stairs.

"What Jack?" Dad called back. I was so happy when I found out yesterday that he was my real father. I was so shocked but wasn't surprised because of how similar we looked, I was so glad he was my dad. Mom was thrilled too, she jumped in Dad's arms and kissed him passionately. I kind of wished I had a relationship with someone like they did. They were amazing parents.

"Is it okay is Avery and I go up to the cabin this weekend?" I asked. "We wanted to get away one last time before I left for college."

"Sure Jack, you can go. Do you remember how to get there?"

"Dad we've been going there ever since I can remember, I think I know the way by now."

"Okay," Dad smiled. "When are you?"

"Friday night," I told him with a smile on my face.

"I'll hand you the keys before I in the morning for work."

"Thank you Dad."

"Do you remember the first time you and Avery met?" Dad suddenly asked me.

"Yeah, we were at high school and she ran into me and somehow we managed to become friends."

"Actually you met a long time before that. You both went to the same nursery when Mom first moved here. You were interested in her and then again a few months later at a reunion party Olivia was holding you introduced me to Avery."

"Wow, I didn't know that. Why didn't we stay friends?"

"You both went to different schools and finally met up again when you were older. Look after her Jack," Dad sighed.

"I will, she is my best friend," I told him truthfully

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