Chapter Eleven

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"Will you go on a date with me?” Liam asked me as we sat in this sitting room.

"What?" I questioned.

“I asked you if you wanted to go on a date with me. So do you then?”

“Yes!” I squealed. I had hoping for this moment for a while and I was shocked when he asked. It had been such a long time since I had been out on a date, it was well before Jack was born. “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”

Liam lent over and kissed me lightly. Kissing between us had somehow become more common and I loved it every time he did kiss me. I could never get enough of him. When we pulled away, he smiled, “So you, me Saturday night, it’s happening.”

“Sure,” I smiled back.

“I can’t wait,” he smiled at me. It looked as though he had been planning on asking me out for ages.

“So where are we going?” I asked him, wanting to know where he was going to take us and what we were going to do.

“It’s a surprise,” he lent down and kissed me. This made me forget my next question, I just wanted to kiss him.

* * * * * * * 

When Saturday came around, I was nervous. I hadn’t been on a date for years, this feeling inside of me was new.

He headed out of town I had no idea where we were going. I had begged him all week to tell me but he kept his mouth shut. I was excited for tonight, I loved surprises, the good ones anyway.

"We’re here," he said grabbing my hand and helping me out of the car. Ten minutes ago he had placed a blindfold over my eyes. All I knew was that we had left town everything else was a mystery.

He pulled me along, I still had the blindfold so I still had no clue where we were. “Where are we?” I asked holding his hand tightly, I hated not knowing what was in front of my feet.

“Just one minute baby,” he kissed the side of my head. We suddenly stopped. “Okay sit down.” Slowly he guided me to sit down. Once I had sat down Liam leaned over and pulled off my blind-fold.

“Wow,” I gasped as I looked over the city. The lights flickered across the city, it was beautiful. The darkness that surrounded us made it look even more beautiful. It was so quiet up here, with only the sounds of the animals and Liam’s breathing. “It’s amazing Liam.”

“I know you are,” he said looking at me. I smiled at his words and lent into kiss him. We slowly kissed until we were out of breath. “I’ve never taken anyone here before,” he said.

“I’m your first.”

“Yes, I use this spot to think things through. I found this place as a kid, we used to go on bike rides up this hill and one day I decided to go on my own and I found this spot and I’ve been coming back here ever since. No one knows about it except you.”

“Thank you for sharing this spot with me.”

“I like sharing this spot with you,” he kissed me slowly.

 We spent a long time just talking and cuddling and kissing. It was amazing spending this time alone with him. When I met him all those months ago, I never thought I would be in this situation with him. I thought we would have to share our baby and that he would be with other girls but no it wasn’t like that, we were living together, we were on our first date and we were working togeth-er.

“Thank you Liam.”

“What for?” he asked looking confused.

“For sticking around. Most guys would abandon the girl they got pregnant and wouldn’t care but you’ve stuck around and looked after me. So thank you.”

“I want to say thank you too, you’ve made me grow up. I’m not the same man I was six months ago. That night we met I knew I wanted you, I needed you, I just didn’t know if I could have you. There hasn’t been any girls since I met you. I even tried to get over you with another girl but I couldn’t, I had to leave straight away,” he told me truthfully.

I was jealous of this other girl, she was taking what was mine.

“I couldn’t kiss her without thinking about you and I had only known you a short time.”

“You don’t have to tell me anymore,” I told him, I couldn’t hear any more about this girl.

“Sorry. I just want you to know everything about me.”

“I know everything I need to know for now.”

“Good,” he smiled kissing me.


I finally asked her out. I knew exactly where I would take her, she was the only person I could share this spot with. 

So when we headed out Saturday night I was excited and hoped that Riley would love the place that I was taking her. “Baby lets go,” I called from the front door as I waited for her to come. We were leaving Jack with my parents for the night, I hoped that he would behave for them but then I knew that he really did like them.

When she came out of her bedroom she looked beautiful. She was wearing some blue jeans and a long sleeved green top with her favourite leather jacket over it. On her feet she wore biker boots which suited her perfectly. I was glad that her hair was loose because I would love tugging it later tonight when I kiss her.

We didn’t talk much on the journey to spot I was taking her. I wanted it to be a surprise, even when she begged I didn’t give in even though there were many times I almost did. When I wrapped the blindfold around her eyes she complained but I didn’t take it off. I wanted tonight to be magical.

When we reached the spot I helped her climb out of the car, slowly we walked to the spot that looked over the city. We sat down next to each other and I pulled off her blindfold, I watched as she gasped at the sight of the city. “Wow,” she gasped as she looked over the city. “It’s amazing Liam.”

“I know you are,” I told her as I looked over at her. She really was amazing. I had never met a girl so brave, caring and beautiful. I wanted to spend the rest of my life next to her because in the last few short months I had fallen for her and I knew one day we would end up together.

We spent ages talking that night, and then we kissed and cuddled as we looked over the city. I was glad she was the first person I had ever taken here, she appreciated it. I could see us here when we are old, maybe even a grandchild or two playing at our feet. 

“Baby it’s time to go home,” I said as I checked my watch for the time, it read twelve midnight.

“Okay,” she groaned tiredly.

“Do you want me to carry you back to the car?” I asked. She nodded quickly, I lent down to kiss her happily as she did so. Carefully I picked her up and carried her to the car, I was thankful that she was light.

“I had a good time tonight,” she whispered as I settled her in the car.

“Me too,” I kissed her forehead.

Once home I carried Riley to her bedroom. I knew that she would like her own space for tonight so I didn’t climb into bed next to her. I quickly checked on Jack and he was perfectly fine, he was sound asleep. I leant over and kissed him on the head.

I went to see where my parents were and found them asleep against each other on the sofa in the sitting room with the TV still blaring out some programme. I turned the TV off and then cover them in a blanket. I turned the light off as I headed to my room.

As soon as I got into bed I thought of Riley I wanted her beside me but I knew that soon enough she would be, I just couldn’t wait for that day. Soon enough I was asleep.

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