Chapter Nineteen

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I was in pain the whole flight home from our honeymoon, I had a sneaky suspicion that our baby was on the way. I was due in less than two weeks so it was possible for her to be early.

The pain didn't really hit me until we were walking off the plane. The pain had tripled in the last seven hours. I hated it. 

I was so thankful to the air hostesses who helped me the whole flight and kept me calm. I was really grateful when they had bought me a wheelchair at the end of the flight. I knew that I couldn't walk to the cab.

It wasn't until customs when my waters broke. Liam was even more shocked when I told him. So as soon as he saw our stuff on the carousel did he call one of the air hostesses to help us out of the airport. Thankfully there was a cab waiting for us.

The cab driver rushed us towards the hospital as fast as he could. I was really excited to have the baby finally.

Once we reached the hospital both of them helped me into the hospital and call one of the nurses over. Soon I found myself lying in bed ready to have my baby.

I remember with Jack I was in labour for a long time, at least ten hours but with this baby I was already eight centimetres dilated. I was ready to pop. 

Liam had called his parents had they had arrive not too long ago with Jack. I knew Jack was confused to what was going on, I couldn't wait to see him, I missed him so much. 

An hour later Liam was holding my hand and I was pushing. So soon I would see my baby for the first time. Liam had said so many encouraging words to me, I loved him so much. He was just amazing. I couldn't wait to see his face when he saw our baby for the first time.

A few minutes later, they were announcing, "It's a girl."

They handed her over to Liam first and the way he looked at her was beautiful, I could see that he loved her already. I was so proud of him. "She's beautiful," he whispered coming over to sit next to me with our baby.

I looked down at her perfect face, she had my nose and Liam gorgeous eyes. I reached for her and Liam settled her in my arms. "Our little Isla," I whisper. I lightly kissed her forehead. "Thank you Liam."

"Why are you thanking me, I should be the one thanking you."

"I'm thanking you because without you we'd never have this beautiful baby and our amazing family."

"It sure is amazing," Liam sighed kissing me lightly. "I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed him back.

"I'd better go and tell our family."

"Sure," I smiled. I watched as he headed out to see the rest of our family. I was left alone with our little Isla. I couldn't wait for her to grow up, she was going to be beautiful. She had a loving family to grow up with. She was so lucky.


It was amazing hold my little girl for the first time. She was so small and beautiful. She looked so much like Riley that they had the same colour hair but my little girl had my eyes. I was going to watch out for her when she was older all the boys would want her.

I called out into the hallway of the hospital, "It's a girl!"

Mum, Dad and Jack all stood up and came towards me. "Congratulations!" Mum and Dad smiled. I knew that they were happy for Riley and I, they had wanted another grandchild for a little while, I was so glad to give them one.

"So what's her name?" Mum asked.

"Isla. Isla Elizabeth," I smiled. I bent down to Jack's level. "Now Jack, would you like to meet your little sister?" he nodded enthusiastically. "Okay but remember Jack to be quite she has very little ears and doesn't like loud noises."

"Okay Daddy," Jack agreed taking my hand.

We were quiet when we entered Riley's room. She light up when she saw us. "Hey baby," she smiled to Jack. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Mummy," he ran over to her. I took a couple of steps to join them. Riley bent down and kissed Jack on his head.

"Do you want to meet you sister?" she asked him.

"Yes Mummy," Jack nodded.

"Okay buddy," I said. "Take a seat." I placed him on the plastic seat next Riley's bed. I next picked my little baby out of Riley's arms and carefully placed her in Jack's. I helped him support her.

"She really pretty," Jack said looking down at the baby.

"Yeah she is," I smiled at the scene. I quickly looked up at Riley and saw she had tears in her eyes but I knew they were happy tears.

"What's her name?"

"Isla," Riley whispered.

"Perfect," Jack sighed.

We spent the rest of the day in the hospital. We had many people visit us, Olivia and her husband, my sister and even some work colleagues. I was so happy to finally have our baby here. It was a great way to start the New Year.

ortunately for us we didn't have to stay more than that one day, Isla was born perfectly healthy even though she was two weeks early. She was the perfect size and weight, she was feeding properly and she had no prob-lems with her. I guess she was ready to come out and meet us finally.

I felt nice to settle in bed that night with Riley in my arms and our baby across the room, Jack was fast asleep in his own bed, he like Riley was exhausted when we got home that he had gone to bed with no questions asked. I was proud to call him my son.

I lay in bed awake and Riley snuggled beside me fast asleep. I just couldn't believe how fast the last nine months had flown by. I was happy with my life and nothing could destroy the feeling.

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