=FORTY= Decisions

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"So, Gally, what do you think of Y/N?"

Gally looked up from examining the Builder's equipment to glance at Dan then shrugged. "She's a girl," he said, eyes returning to the tools before him.

"Just a girl?" Dan pressed, eyebrow cocked.

"Oh, you mean because of the whole previous boyfriend girlfriend thing," he said offhandedly, picking up a hammer and looking it over casually.

"What, you don't like her?" Dan pressed, voice dripping with malicious amusement at Gally's indifference.

Gally gave Dan a sideways, cagey glance, then returned his attention to the tools. "I don't really care one way or the other," he said simply.

"Interesting," Dan gloated.

"Dan! Just because you don't have Baggers trailing you anymore doesn't mean that you're off Slopper duty."

Gally raised his head at the boy's voice, watching him run up.

"You're supposed to be helping Frypan clean out the kitchen. Alby's orders," continued the Glader.

"But of course," replied Dan in sarcastic humbleness, "I shall go at once."

Dan bent into a short, mock bow, then straightened smugly, giving a haughty tilt of his head as he walked off towards the kitchen in an unhurried manner.

"It's Minho, right?" asked Gally, turning his eyes from Dan's retreating form back to the Glader before him.

"That's right," he answered briskly, "How are you getting along, Gally?"

Gally shrugged, saying nothing.

"What did he want?" asked Minho, jerking his head in Dan's direction.

Gally took a deep breath, eyes running along the equipment, "He was just talking about the girl."

"Y/N," said Minho.

Gally said nothing, setting the hammer down and picking up another, lighter one.

"You really don't remember her, huh?"

Gally looked up, "What's the vest for?"

"This?" asked Minho. "This is Runner's gear. Same as the gloves."

"Runner's gear," Gally repeated.

"Yeah, it's my job. Thomas and I are both Runners. We run the Maze every day, looking for a way out of this place."

"You think there's a way out?" asked Gally abruptly.

Minho nodded, a bit hesitantly, wondering what was going through Gally's mind.

Gally dropped his gaze staring down at the hammer in his hand, then lifted his eyes, staring out across the Glade to the massive Doors that stood open, entrance guarded by two posted Baggers.

"A Runner," said Gally softly, lost in thought.


As you walked briskly in the direction of the Bloodhouse, you lifted your hair off of your shoulders and neck, pulling it up into a high ponytail and tying it off. You could see the Builders in the distance and quickened your pace.

With a lot of persuading on your and Newt's part, Alby had agreed to let Gally have some breaks throughout the day so that you would have the chance to try and jog his memory. You had stayed awake most of the night trying to wrap your brain around what had happened, and then trying to sort out anything and everything that might help Gally regain his memories. After a lot of thought, you had decided to take Gally to the rain pool. You and Gally had spent some time there together, and if you tried hard enough, you were sure that you could make Gally remember his past.

Gally ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now