=TWENTY-FIVE= Freedom!

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Your drenched back was pressed against the dripping walls of the Maze to steady yourself. You were dead-tired, extremely frightened, jumping at every noise, and wished that you could get out of this nightmare. This nightmare while you were awake. In a panicked dream-like terror, your eyes franticly tried to penetrate the rain-soaked walls of the Maze, searching for Dan. Relief flooded over you as you made out his hunched balled-up figure sitting at the corner opposite you through the drizzling rain. He wasn't near you.

You let out a shaky breath and tried to steady your furiously-beating heart. You shifted in the puddle of ice-cold water beneath you, shivering and drenched, muscles aching. You looked up the dripping, ivy-covered walls, wishing more than anything to be out of the Maze! To be away from Dan! Your heart leapt into your mouth as you saw him shift. Moments later you realized that your lungs were burning from lack of oxygen, and let out your breath slowly, watching him carefully for any other sign of slight movement.

"Gally," you whispered, white condensation rising into the wet, cold air. "I miss you so much!"

Suddenly, as if in answer, there was a loud shriek in the distance. You jumped in fear, then felt nausea sweep over you as you saw Dan slowly lift his head and look in the direction of the Griever's scream.

He didn't even seem afraid. It wasn't natural. You pressed your back more firmly against the wall, ivy digging into your flesh, and gripped the knife-hilt with white knuckles.

Suddenly, a bitterly-chilling wind blasted through the walls of the Maze. You raised a hand in front of your face to block the shower of water that was flung in your direction, then there was the loud, resounding boom of a deep horn. You lurched forward to try to catch your balance on the shaking ground beneath you, but your stiff and aching muscles faltered and, you fell into the icy cold rainwater beneath your feet in a sickening splash. You managed to drag yourself up on your submerged hands and knees, and forced your head up at the loud gurgling and scraping noise, feeling your muscles tremble with relief as a slight rod of golden light poured in through the slit in the slowly opening Doors.

Suddenly, you felt your arms buckle beneath you as you were heaved into the muddy water as Dan shoved past you, bolting for the increasingly widening gap between the walls. You tried to lift yourself up onto your hands and out of the icy water, but your muscles shook so much that you only managed to fall into it once more.

In your groggy state, you became vaguely aware of a figure rushing towards you, causing you to scramble for the knife which you had dropped into the murky water when Dan had shoved you. Then, from somewhere inside of your hazy daze, you heard a familiar voice call your name before feet splashed in the water beside you and strong arms were wrapped firmly around your wet, shivering body. This action finally allowed your mind to clear enough to recognize the most beautiful voice in the world as the boy pulled you to him and whispered soothing, reassuring words into your ear.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!" Gally's deep voice rasped. "It's okay, it's okay, everything is okay now, I've got you, I've got you!"

You whimpered as you slowly realized that the long, horribly-awful, nightmarish night was finally over! That you were going to be out of the Maze! That you were going to be away from Dan and safe with Gally!

Gally shifted you in his arms as he stood, and you felt the clawing, icy fingers of water drain in dripping streams from your soaked body as Gally carried you, bridal-style, holding you tightly against him. You buried your head in his drenched, muddy chest and sobbed with a relief that was unspeakable. Gally tightened his grip around you as he sloshed through the open doors and into the cloud-covered light of the Glade. As he passed a group of idol boys standing around the entrance, you noticed that they were all staring at a sopping, mud-stained Dan who had torn a hunk of bread from a slight, slender boy's outstretched hand and was cramming as much as would fit into his mouth at one time. You could pick out Newt and Alby's figures as well, trying to assess the situation.

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